
bjbark t1_j9xb2f3 wrote

Here’s an interesting thought, even if you could upload all your memories and thoughts to some super powerful AI, I don’t think it’s possible to upload how those thoughts/memories made you feel. I think the inability to have a physical reaction to thoughts might prevent AI from ever being perfect. Now that I’ve typed this out, I realize this might be the plot of terminator.


bjbark t1_j62g20o wrote

The tools they used were more similar to the tools used in ancient Middle Eastern societies, which would effect many aspects of life. Their weapons were largely made of wood and sharpened stone. They had no practical applications for the wheel. Only scant evidence exist for any use of sails. Not to say they didn’t have advanced or complex societies, but only the Maya and Olmec had a Bronze Age, and none had reached the Iron Age by the time the Spanish arrived.