
blu3dice t1_j6i2n1g wrote

When I hit a deer in city limits I called the non-emergency police line. They dispatched an officer who then called another agency who I believe was with the department of conservation. The deer was gonna be processed and donated to a food panty. It's probably too late for your deer though.


blu3dice t1_j5r4nkj wrote

Your complaint is that people want to be prepared for a possible weather emergency?

Some folks got kids or sick parents to take care. People have disabilities that already limit their daily activities. Others who don't have transportation that may walk or take the city bus then have to urgently figure out what to do before bad weather arrives. So yeah the traffic is worse. Toughen up buttercup and worry about yourself.


blu3dice t1_j3tb69e wrote

I might have sympathy for Patrick (as I too am a chronic procrastinator) if not for him allowing his 'supporters' to publicly bash/drag/question the motives of the grieving parents in his own post.

Wanna use your large platform for good - set a good example for our community? Then start by condemning those comments and take full responsibility without mitigation or excuse.


blu3dice t1_j1p8sav wrote

>or have I just had bad luck the last few trips?

Not to rub salt in a wound but thats not bad luck but bad planning. This wasn't a surprise storm, it's one of the busiest days of the yeat to travel and you dont have the funds for an emergency situation ($80 Uber).


blu3dice t1_j14iwxb wrote

You may wanna hit up the emergency warming shelters and show his photos to the volunteers. I know Brentwood church opens their doors at night when the weather gets bad. They would have a list of other official warming shelters.


blu3dice t1_izbt2z0 wrote

>You expect the world to revolve around your schedule.

YES! Exactly. You're soooo close to getting IT. Your job should fit into your life...not be your entire life. For example, look at you. Who wants to be this miserable?

I bet you hate unions huh ๐Ÿ˜†


blu3dice t1_iz81l3m wrote

That's actually horrible advice. Employers rather have a candidate be fully transparent with their availability. Just accepting any old job and hoping it'll later work out is what leads to wasted time and resources.

Employees should seek jobs that fit their personal and family schedules so it leads to long-term employment which benefits both the employer and employee.


blu3dice t1_ix9pw6a wrote

>2. Trash bags. Get the "contractor" bags at lowes or home depot. 55 gallon, extra thick, you can put a LOT of trash in these, making the job easier overall - $18

THIS. It's worth the extra $$$ for how tough and durable the contractor bags are. You don't want bags ripping and spilling more stuff on your floors etc.


blu3dice t1_iwxl7cg wrote

I'd recommend Depot or Poshmark. It's more work involved but you'll get better prices because actual purse collectors will be your customers.

Also if your D&B is vintage (90s) those are popular right now among Gen Z shoppers. Good condition ones sell for $75-$150.


blu3dice t1_iwbem9k wrote

I personally would call the cosmetology schools in Springfield to explain my situation and see if they could help. It's probably a situation and a skill they don't get to practice often. And their pricing is very reasonable. When you call, ask to speak to an instructor maybe.

Afterward get yourself a satin bonnet to sleep in as it helps protect your hair and will prevent further knots and mats. My hair mats so easy because of its texture. I've had several surgeries and I cornrow my hair beforehand.

Congratulations on your baby and I wish you a speedy recovery.


blu3dice t1_ivv2ajc wrote

Congratulations!! May I ask how old you are? I've thought about going thru their program but I'm 42 and I worry that I'd be the oldest student there.


blu3dice t1_ivnfr9m wrote

Although not helpful now since it's November but the Parks dept offers very affordable swim lessons in the summer. I believe sign up starts up in Spring.

Also I'd check to see if the Boys n Girls club has any swim programs.


blu3dice t1_iui6mck wrote

If you live in an older home covering your windows with plastic helps stop cold drafts.

Try lowering your thermostat to 68. Turn it down lower when you'll be out of the house for a few hours.