
bluemitersaw t1_je052li wrote

I've been to Vegas twice in my life and one moment on the casino for stood out.

My wife and I were just doing some slots for a bit and a lady behind us (who seemed like a regular) hit a jackpot. Lights and sirens were going off and a floor worker had to come over and do something to finalize it. The whole time she just sat there, hardly any reaction. The worker congratulated her and moved on. Then without skipping a beat she just went back to playing the slot machine like nothing happened.


bluemitersaw t1_j5to8n6 wrote

Not when you look at the full picture. Robots cost a lot up front (unlike humans) but can work 24/7 (unlike humans). They don't complain, go on strike, ask to use the bathroom, demand pay raises... They don't demand pay at all!

Humans are cheap to replace but have long term costs that never end. Robots are the complete opposite.