
bnogal t1_j58iil8 wrote

You just need to use that trees later on.

Build CLT structures per example. Fornitures.

They could easily reduce taxes for CLT material and sustainable wood fornitures. So we store that trees for longer.


bnogal t1_j4adqnw wrote

If they know they work mainly for the original virus. Why to request them now that the variants of the virus bypassed the original vaccine

Even more stupid, you may test to have good defenses, as you had other vaccines and passed different version of the virus twice. But still they want you to have their approved vaccines for the alpha variant. A test showing your body will deal with it is not valid.

I don't say vaccines are wrong, just the measures they use seems to me unethical.

I am talking about the situation now, January 2023.


bnogal t1_j48u75s wrote

Then why it is obligatory to have the FIRST two vaccines to enter USA, even if it is not obligatory for everyone over there.

It's just about money.

Also, every country request to have their own vaccines. If you travel to China you are required the china one, to USA, the USA one, to Russia, the Russian one.

I trust the vaccines but it is just funny.


bnogal t1_j0yhrwu wrote

Other alien civilizations were unable to leave their planet because they had a capitalism system that allowed the child of rich mining bussiness owners to fill the space around their planet of garbage
