boweroftable t1_j6io69j wrote
Reply to comment by DoubleALight in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
From Jamaican English, the breathy ‘th’ sound isn’t used in that dialect
boweroftable t1_j6iny66 wrote
Reply to comment by Gilgie in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
A North American culture of the north west
boweroftable t1_ixxfdtn wrote
Reply to comment by CutterJohn in The Papua New Guinea representative in The UN by CrAzY_cOdeR4
Maybe everyone else is out of context
boweroftable t1_ixvhbja wrote
Reply to comment by OzrielArelius in The Papua New Guinea representative in The UN by CrAzY_cOdeR4
You’re not from PNG. OK, let’s try something else to get that last, sickly Neurone sparking away - why aren’t you wearing a penis gourd? OK, crank start that etiolated synapse ... aaaaaaand .... go!
boweroftable t1_ixu88jh wrote
It’s a penis gourd. Traditional and normal. Now look from the other point of view. Your dress code looks strange, ridiculous and dumbly gendered.
boweroftable t1_irnxtf0 wrote
Reply to New licensing round for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea "good for the environment” insists UK climate minister by WilliamMorris420
If you like a nice hot planet it is - and, well, we are kinda in an Ice Age still ... and who likes ice caps anyway? How many fast food franchises in Antarctica, eh?
boweroftable t1_j6iopx3 wrote
Reply to comment by Howtothinkofaname in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
Backslang rocks, it was an argot, used to exclude ... like Cockney rhyming slang, but like all language would have helped form a strong identity