
bros402 t1_jdxl4le wrote

I mean if a kid isn't reading at least somewhat during first grade, the student should be evaluated by the IEP team to see if it is a disability or something developmental. It's also why imo if a kid is on the cusp of K parents should keep their kids at home until their kid will be one of the oldest in their grade


bros402 t1_jdwda6n wrote

> we do not have him in public school where they are required to ready novels by kindergarten

wat, no, that doesn't happen

Kids are expected to know how to read most of their phonemes by the end of Kindergarten and they're expected to be able to read the 50-100 high frequency words.

also, hell yeah, that classic "read when you should be asleep" - I think I first did that when I was 6?