
buttfunfor_everyone t1_ja02n2i wrote

Okay.. do you have any facts, studies, stats, articles, stories-anything -to support your claim? Have you worked for a state lottery? Have some insider knowledge that we don’t?

Or did you just make your mind and state your opinion based on the assumption that doing so would somehow carry more weight than well documented historical fact?

State lotteries are run differently in every state. To make the claim that because yours is anonymous and you suspect zero issues with it is great. Maybe there’s not, but in the past and elsewhere there absolutely have been.

It’s just a strange way to engage with reality. If you do a quick cursory search online you will find a ton of examples of lottery fraud that has been perpetuated and, in response, states that have changed their laws thusly to require disclosure. Your opinion doesn’t change that.

If you think relatives knocking on your door for cash is worse than multimillion dollar fraud… 🙄

Edit: Honestly, don’t bother responding. I’m turning off notifications. Make whatever claim you want, I don’t want to spend the energy on it.


buttfunfor_everyone t1_j9zuchw wrote

You don’t have to buy anything. I’m literally explaining why they do it lol

Not all states have that rule but some do and this is why. Google lottery fraud sometime and read about the many, many times it’s happened.

Edit: lmao, okay bro. Downvote me because you don’t “buy” a state law and the stated reason for having it. Are you saying lottery fraud having been perpetuated in the past is not the reason some states have that law? Or that lottery fraud has never happened? Either way.. 🙄😂😂


buttfunfor_everyone t1_j9zhrnk wrote

The alternative is lack of transparency wherein suddenly all the people winning the lottery somehow all seem to be friends and family members of folks who work for the lottery.

Do some reading into the McDonalds Monopoly fiasco in the 90’s. The $24 million fraud was literally perpetuated by the very head of security in charge of safe-guarding/transporting the winning pieces.

Sure, naming lottery winners may suck for the winner.. they can either a) not collect the money or b) wipe their tears with millions of billions of dollars and move on.


buttfunfor_everyone t1_iwd0wu5 wrote

You could try but you wouldn’t get very far. The counterfeit art market is indeed a massively pervasive issue. You would not be alone in your attempted fraud.

Banksy in particular used to be ripped off regularly- some fakes have earned more than $300,000 at auction. This is why he created his not-for-profit company “Pest Control”- to sell and authenticate his official works- the latter of which they do for only 65 euro- a brilliant move that makes the process accessible for anyone regardless of net worth. It also allows him to preserve his anonymity- something that would otherwise be difficult during typical validation processes.

All things considered, whoever is at the helm of the Banksy collective is more than just an artistic genius. They’ve proven themselves more than capable in many other less obvious ways.

I wouldn’t want to cross someone so formidable, personally 😂


buttfunfor_everyone t1_iw2y7gl wrote

Yep, that is correct.

Unlike Chihuly and many other prominent artists the power in Banksy’s work lies mostly in the message- not the technical difficulty of his actual work.

The only thing that’s ever really got me thinking when it comes to Chihuly is how the hell do they transport all that glass on a regular basis and not shatter it all to hell 😂