
calendarised t1_iw1utk7 wrote

Please correct me if I'm wrong,

Do you mean to say that as long as you are entertained, you are not in need of human art? I think I can understand that. Like a hedonist, right?

I think art is important as a means and avenue of expression. Expressing politics, common sentiment, etc. Things that are all human. Yes, an AI can create something to the same quality and execution (or better), but it doesn't have intent. It doesn't have that relatability, that a person might have, when walking under a bridge, seeing some graffiti on on the pylon that says "Fuck Putin". Something about that particular spot under the bridge, something about a kid risking his short measly life in a tense political climate, just to put their thoughts on something physical. Something about that gives meaning like no form of entertainment can. (to me at least). An AI can probably put the words together in a cooler way, with better colour control or what have you... but a person, who did it in the middle of the night, wilfully putting up self-incriminating evidence for all to see... no AI can make me feel that.

I'm interested to know what are your thoughts on that - Do you feel like reaching singularity necessarily means no thoughts, no politics and no intent?


calendarised t1_iw1rul1 wrote

How exactly will human art be irrelevant in less than 5 years?

Chess AI demolishes our best players by a landslide and chess is probably the most alive its ever been in its history. I don't see how art being done by computers (assuming they actually improve enough) is going to make human art irrelevant.