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calendarised t1_iw1rul1 wrote

How exactly will human art be irrelevant in less than 5 years?

Chess AI demolishes our best players by a landslide and chess is probably the most alive its ever been in its history. I don't see how art being done by computers (assuming they actually improve enough) is going to make human art irrelevant.


Opticalzone t1_iw1syze wrote

If an AI can make every movie, tv show, or youtube video that I ever liked reliably I would quit social media forever.


calendarised t1_iw1utk7 wrote

Please correct me if I'm wrong,

Do you mean to say that as long as you are entertained, you are not in need of human art? I think I can understand that. Like a hedonist, right?

I think art is important as a means and avenue of expression. Expressing politics, common sentiment, etc. Things that are all human. Yes, an AI can create something to the same quality and execution (or better), but it doesn't have intent. It doesn't have that relatability, that a person might have, when walking under a bridge, seeing some graffiti on on the pylon that says "Fuck Putin". Something about that particular spot under the bridge, something about a kid risking his short measly life in a tense political climate, just to put their thoughts on something physical. Something about that gives meaning like no form of entertainment can. (to me at least). An AI can probably put the words together in a cooler way, with better colour control or what have you... but a person, who did it in the middle of the night, wilfully putting up self-incriminating evidence for all to see... no AI can make me feel that.

I'm interested to know what are your thoughts on that - Do you feel like reaching singularity necessarily means no thoughts, no politics and no intent?


AsuhoChinami t1_iw2291j wrote

Commissioning art for money will likely be hit very hard. Art as a hobby will never die though, and there will always be popular human artists.


Opticalzone t1_iw6dnkd wrote

Sorry for the late reply but yes to the first one. All I care about is being entertained. Everything else comes second. Yes like a hedonist.

I don't think reaching the singularity means any of the three you mentioned. I think as we approach the singularity more possibilities to open up. For example, if you wanted to live off solar power off the grid that is more realistic than 10 years ago. The further you go back in time things, in general, become more limiting. As time goes on it will become more realistic to expect to be living off the grid, expecting to live beyond 200 due to advancing medicine, living in VR, etc.


IndependenceRound453 t1_iw1xv0i wrote

You wouldn't want to socialize with other people anymore?


Opticalzone t1_iw3o703 wrote

No. No possibility of negative attention. Why would I want that?


IndependenceRound453 t1_iw44ucs wrote

You know life isn't just flowers and rainbows, right?


rixtil41 t1_iw4j5h9 wrote

I think he knows that but I think he's trying to say that he can make his own challenges that he would rather have. In stead of being forced to deal with other ones.


Opticalzone t1_iw6dspc wrote

Yes, but why should I not be allowed to make my self happier?


stainfellow t1_iw2r0p8 wrote

Haha no - he wants to exclusively watch AI generated movies that he’s incapable of talking about with literally anyone because they’re all based on prompts his shitty imagination conjured, like those YouTube videos made for children of Spider-Man and Elsa crashing their truck into Thomas the Tank


IndependenceRound453 t1_iw2xtu8 wrote

Lol. If that's the case, it's kinda sad though.


stainfellow t1_iw2za4n wrote

It’s incredibly sad. These nerds have no idea what they’re actually fantasizing about. Dude should just do heroin.


loodolodo t1_iw5hua5 wrote

It would certainly be interesting to see AI eventually make media that hits every "pleasure points" of our brains through algorithms that everyone gets addicted


stainfellow t1_iw3ouch wrote

Lol sorry - I just still can’t stop thinking about how hilariously pathetic this comment is.

All of human history, art has been used to connect with ones fellow man. Artists bearing their soul and giving a glimpse into the workings of their heart. The communal experience of audiences coming together to witness and wrestle with a creations meaning. Experiencing a work of poetry Or literature that challenges ones perceptions of the world, or affirms the human spirit.

And now these dorks think art’s highest aspiration is to be a series of colors and shapes that show them exactly what they already think they want to see so that they never have to consider another human again. Just sit in the dark being fed meaningless stimulation.

Have fun with “Transformer Batman and make it anti-feminist” or whatever movie you’re dreaming of putting into a promt


Opticalzone t1_iw3q0w9 wrote

Why would I want to deal with negative responses?


ReadSeparate t1_iw3ivdm wrote

Let me clarify, I’m not saying it will go away as a hobby or as a passion, just the percentage of people who are doing it for money will be a TINY fraction of those who are doing it for money today.

Think of the numbers of horses being used for transportation today vs the number of horses being used for transportation before the invention of cars. Horses for transportation are irrelevant today compared to back then.


visarga t1_iw4gbng wrote

Before the PC there were plenty of professional typists and secretaries. Their jobs disappeared or were transformed, and we got an even larger number of office jobs on PC.

Generative AI will support jobs in many fields - medicine, design, advertising, hobbies and fan fiction. Art itself might get a paradigm shift soon, as humans strive to find something AI can't do. The same happened when photography was popularised, and look how many more uses photography has then painting used to have.


ReadSeparate t1_iw4nifp wrote

I’m not saying this group of people are going to be permanently unemployed, I’m saying they’re not going to be making art for money. Many of them may facilitate the process somehow, like prompt engineering, etc, but that’s very different and FAR less time consuming than actually creating art.


spazzadourx t1_iw3p5k7 wrote

As jobs they will be irrelevant. Art is technically already irrelevant in traditional mediums, I mean try telling your mom you want to be a water colour artist and would like to go to art school. You have a better chance making money painting houses than canvases.

But some people manage to make a good living as concept artists, comission fan art, graphic design and all that. Proper stable jobs in fields like game dev being paid as much as the software guys it wasnt a bad career path. those jobs will be gone now. It's irrelevant in a way that matters the most, making money.


visarga t1_iw4g75u wrote

> those jobs will be gone now

But new jobs will appear, and new applications that were too expensive will become possible.