
captain_smonch t1_jb2uld6 wrote

We were denied access to both the Sission Street Dump and Northwest Transfer Station when doing this. Apparently it qualifies as a commercial vehicle and wasn't allowed for having writing on the side at Sission and wasn't allowed at Northwest for us not having a small haulers permit. We had to hire someone to take it.


captain_smonch t1_j8iagyh wrote

I would second Sniff Spot! We use one in Linthicum called "Urban Oasis"which has been wonderful! Totally private, large fence, and it's turf and has agility equipment available. Good luck with your pup!


captain_smonch t1_j7dq8q3 wrote

There's one at Guilford Hall Brewing on February 26th. I've also been to them in the past at Waverly and Pariah. I follow local breweries on Instagram to find out about these kinds of events generally.


captain_smonch t1_j72ckh9 wrote

Volunteer, join board game groups/meet ups (check out No Land Beyond and Canton Games for some of those). Basically any sort of hobby-based activity! I moved to Baltimore in 2016 and have made a great community of friends from primarily volunteering and running groups, basically anything that gets you out doing things with other people.


captain_smonch t1_j6imjri wrote

Nonprofits in the area frequently hire grant writers, though they may typically want some experience in grant writing. Definitely an option to consider (a lot of those jobs will be under development departments, which isn't the most obvious language for labeling that type of department from a lay perspective).


captain_smonch t1_j21j2dm wrote

I third the Y! I usually go to the Weinberg Y in Waverly and it really is an all ages kind of place, there are kids in the daycare, teens, and adults all the way through seniors!


captain_smonch t1_iy9je79 wrote

I'll throw in the Baltimore Community ToolBank! They help hundreds of nonprofits a year by loaning out tools at a tiny tiny price and do some capacity building and other sustainability work as well.