
t1_jae5go8 wrote

I take the bus — it’s not the most reliable but there aren’t any transfers between home and work. The MBTA is… fine. It’s not good but it’s there and it gets me to where I need to be. A bus-only pass runs me I think $50 monthly (if you add in the train system, the T, it’s $90 - so I just pay for my rare T rides separately) and I do have a car but I’m looking to sell it since I only really use it for grocery shopping and the occasional Facebook marketplace furniture pickup. Would recommend not bringing one, haha.


t1_jadv5pr wrote

I make a little south of $50k at a museum here - and I have an MA. While it’s not my first job it’s my first paid one in GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Museums, and Archives). That seems to be standard if not high for a “starter” job in the industry. Would NOT be able to live within a decent commute of my job if I didn’t live with my partner - who has a graduate stipend and makes a little less than me (I think between 42 and 45?). Our rent is $2200 in Brighton for a one bedroom. Things are doable if you’re making this much - especially if you’re living with a partner who also works. Also check out HireCulture for jobs - it’s a job board run by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and it’s pretty active (and how I found my job!)