
cautioner86 t1_ja2tqmn wrote

Not a waste at all! You learn all kinds of human behavior, language, and critical thinking from fantasy novels.

BUT if you want to read nonfiction, there are genres within that too. Even within self help, do you want to learn about psychology, health, business, interpersonal skills? Or maybe you’d be interested in memoirs, narrative nonfiction, history?

My best suggestion is go to a library or bookstore if you can and tell them what you like and they will give you ideas. Even if you don’t have that access, try highly rated books from lots of different genres until you find something you like. Also, don’t do it because you think you should, do it because you want to. So if that means you enjoy fantasy then go for it, but if you want to learn things go for that too. Just don’t read because you think it looks good for you to be carrying around “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” or something like that.


cautioner86 t1_j4l22hq wrote

If my brother says, don’t let this guy around your food, then yeah I’m not letting this guy around my food. I trust my brother more than a distant relative I’ve never met. I take your point but I’m going based off the info I have. I’m not making accusations based on info I don’t have.


cautioner86 t1_ixqx6kx wrote

Love the book. I don’t interpret him as being mentally ill. It’s like you say that he was provoked. If anything, his actions make the most sense in that moment because her control and dehumanizing/emasculating approach is responsible for the death of someone and McMurphy stands up for that person. We can all see what she did is wrong, and we root for him in that moment. He sacrifices himself for the justice of the innocent.


cautioner86 t1_ixqjhva wrote

It’s my favorite book. It meant a lot to me as a teenager, but it meant a lot to me in a new way rereading it as an adult. I think when people don’t like it, it’s because they can’t relate to Holden’s internal conflicts so he just seems like a whiner to them. But I think even if a lot of people don’t realize it, he’s very realistic.