
cbessette t1_j6nqgcy wrote

I played guitar and bass for about 20 years before I tried learning the keyboard instruments. Though I can't read music at all, just learning basic major and minor chords on the keyboard helped me understand a lot about how music works.


cbessette t1_j6ml314 wrote

I play keyboards and bass guitar in my band. Modern guitar amps can reproduce practically any sound those guitarists produced, but at lower volumes. I do understand that rock is supposed to be loud, but there is a difference between loud and ice-picks-in-your-ears loud. The problem in my band is that the more the guitarist turns up, the louder the drummer plays, then the guitarist gets even louder, etc.


cbessette t1_j6it7fs wrote

When they legalized some forms of medical marijuana in Georgia about five years ago, they made it legal to possess, but they didn't provide any legal means to obtain these medicines.

This Catch-22 made it so that people had to find some way to get the medicines outside Georgia, then illegally bring them across the border so that they could use them legally here.


cbessette t1_j6iomq1 wrote

I like to roast my meat over a meth fire for that finger licking good dissasemble the TV and run naked through the trailer park barbecue taste.


cbessette t1_j4ksdby wrote

>People don't realize that despite being fluent, they still have huge gaping holes in their knowledge of "their own" language.

Yeah, my native language is English, but I've used Spanish extensively for my work in a technical field for 20+ years and I know all kinds of technical words and concepts in Spanish that the average native Spanish speaker doesn't know.


cbessette t1_iyii2jz wrote

I started feeling that way some years ago, then I started thinking of Christmas more in the traditional pagan sense that it's a celebration that falls right around the Winter solstice here in the Northern hemisphere.

I see it as celebrations, feasts, music, and general merriment to dispel the darkness and cold. For me it's not about Santa or Jesus, it's just an excuse to celebrate that after the 21st, the days start getting longer instead of shorter- the cycle is turning back to the light.

I have my own little solo party by myself on Solstice eve where I build a bonfire outside, have some mixed drinks and just sit, me and the dog, watching the fire and enjoying the outdoors.