
t1_j6lrvdc wrote

Just look at literally anyone else who is trying to solve the fsd problem and tell me if they're exclusively using cameras. It's not just me saying it. The absolute fanaticism for Tesla really blinds people to the fact that not every incredibly brilliant individual works for Tesla. And btw, I am not including myself as an incredibly brilliant individual.


t1_j6lpziy wrote

Well autonomous driving and computer vision are literally what I get paid to do every day... And weird you keep flexing other people's achievements...

It's not a matter of machine learning, the world mapping required for fsd is simply not possible with 2d pixel maps. It doesn't matter what algorithms or AI you have, the data you are feeding it is inherently not enough. Both waymo and cruise realized the gigantic blindspot of cameras a long time ago, are you really going to deny they are the leaders in autonomy?

Anyway, you keep at it bud, I'm sure Elon will reward the most loyal of his cultists when he inevitably takes over with his army of Tesla robots. Oh wait, those were a fucking fraud too.


t1_j6lns1x wrote

It's 100% a sensing problem. I work in the industry. But I guess no use arguing with a fanboy who thinks "single modality" is an outlandish term but unironically says "neural nets"

I'm sorry Elon took you for your pre paid fsd.

Disclaimer: I hold no positions, short or long, in that dumpster fire of a company.


t1_j6llk9t wrote

You cant have fsd with single modality sensors. Elong is not a technologist but he likes to pretend to be one. No one is talking about the gigantic liability TSLA will have on their books once it becomes clear that autonomy isn't.possible without multiple sensor modalities and that all those cars they sold with pre paid fsd are no better that Chevy's super cruise, and will never be.