charleejourney t1_j1a45z5 wrote
I took my kid to Maimonides ER for a possible broke bone and waited for a long time. After a while a kid comes in and he was yelling a lot and also for a possible broken bone. Because the the screaming that kid got his X-ray right and the doctor saw him. The kid had no broken bone and was fine, he kept screaming that they did another X-ray and the doctor saw him again. My kid got a X-ray too but we haven’t seen the doctor. After our X-ray the screaming kid got two X-rays and saw the doctor twice while we were waiting. I had to complained to get the doctors to look at my kid’s X-ray. The PA response was how did I know all this happened? I said I could hear the conversation through the cloth curtains. I could understand why the saw the other kid first because of the screaming but why the second time when they knew nothing was wrong?
I have friends who work in hospitals who gotten their family and friends seen first.
charleejourney t1_iwn74w3 wrote
Reply to comment by MadRockthethird in Starbucks Denied There’s Mold in the Ice Machine at Posh Manhattan Reserve Roastery. Food Safety Inspectors Found It. by Lilyo
It is amount of diligent that you won’t get from most employees. Most restaurants I seen don’t have a venom proof area to store their trash before it is picked either.
charleejourney t1_iwmi72z wrote
Reply to comment by MadRockthethird in Starbucks Denied There’s Mold in the Ice Machine at Posh Manhattan Reserve Roastery. Food Safety Inspectors Found It. by Lilyo
I would think there are roaches at most restaurants in NYC. I also see workers violating health regulations a lot of times.
charleejourney t1_ivfdn0r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
WTF, he had brain trauma.
charleejourney t1_iv19xo7 wrote
Reply to NYCers I see you pay for street parking while FedEx, UPS and other corporate empires get free parking all over our city. by jfo23chickens
Having one person drive deliver hundreds of packages is better than having hundreds of people go out and buying stuff.
What do you want to do, ban deliveries?
charleejourney t1_irxaxbi wrote
Reply to comment by Chewwy987 in Stumped New Yorkers Wait Years to Get Trees Planted — But You Can Pay $1,800 to Cut the Line - THE CITY by space_______kat
Also you have to clean the leaves as a property owner.
charleejourney t1_j1jfxt6 wrote
Reply to comment by PichuLovy in NYC principal's union mocks parents' snack-banning charge with doughnuts by PichuLovy
The union thing is expected, as that is what unions do.