christophrr29 t1_j2blktx wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
Idk if you’re able to or have any desire but snowshoeing is a great workout and excuse to get outside on a sunny day!
christophrr29 t1_j2bl5xz wrote
Watching the prices on land over the last few years has been wild. Most buildable land in southern Maine is expensive and has been for a while, but the line of expensive v. reasonably priced land has been moving further north year over year. I’ve said it for a couple years now and I’ll continue to say it, idk how young people are affording buying houses and having kids right now
christophrr29 t1_j2blyb0 wrote
Reply to Maine residents - what do you find positive and negative about your state's low population density? by LockedOutOfElfland
I used to think I was missing something by growing up in Maine because our big city feels like a cross between a small town and a big city (which is part of the charm of Portland) but then I went to college away and traveled the world and realized how special this state is. There’s opportunities for sure, but I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else