
chunkmoneyy OP t1_j1fdqer wrote

I actually did not know that, thanks! it's just frustrating because I was in Bolivar this morning and the roads there are pretty damn clear and then I get on the main streets of springfield and the roads are just compact snow everywhere. my family is from Northern Iowa so I can personally handle a lot of snow but avoiding the other drivers sliding all over the place is a huge pain in the ass


chunkmoneyy t1_iyqsui9 wrote

the problem I've noticed is that people will tailgate you in the right lane and not pass, which is generally what OP is talking about. also, of course they'll pass eventually, the problem is the tailgating in the first place, so being like

>they can move to the passing lane. Simple.

is a bit irrelevant in this case


chunkmoneyy t1_ir3jqcw wrote

personally, I thought it was a beautiful house and I'm devastated to see it gone, but if it were replaced by a new house I wouldn't complain. my main concern lies with traffic- there's already a strip mall across the street, a new Cox building, the Mercy ER, and just further down sunshine is the Chicken Strip which everyone knows is an absolute traffic nightmare now. Campbell and sunshine is a business district, but with this spot they're gonna have to worry about higher traffic in that area, and it absolutely cannot handle higher traffic especially with it being in an area where there's a higher amount of pedestrians. springfield is already shit at stopping for pedestrians! hell, a pedestrian was hit and killed by a car this morning.

and here's a more full list of pedestrians hit by cars*ZlVkQi1RZkRScmRxT2FPS01MS0ppV2xkS2FNbWVycDgyelhadHpHX00tbkpkNTFubGZvdFFRaFhyMnB1OUFkZQ..

encouraging higher traffic in an area with higher pedestrian traffic, emergency medical traffic, and elementary school traffic is a DANGEROUS idea. if Springfield has a problem with car accidents and pedestrians getting hit, why are we not focusing on what we're actually doing wrong? I don't care how much money these churches and car washes and strip malls and luxury apartment complexes make developers. their search for money is why driving and walking isn't safe in town. these fast cash deals being made without any thought into how they affect the flow of the city is what has made the area so dangerous to live in. they don't stimulate the economy outside of the already wealthy people who own these things, most of these cute little restaurants and boutiques pay like shit and the car washes barely need any staff at all. of course crime is also going up, the economy is crap and homelessness is through the roof and all springfield does to help the poor is put them in jail and strong-arm pointless development that encourages traffic (when traffic is known to be a huge issue) next to an Emergency Room and an Elementary School. the priorities are all fucked up

if you're mad about this, the next town hall meeting is the place to be mad about it. We cannot just complain on the internet and feel like we got our political good boy points, now is the time to be mad and demand change directly. I cannot safely drive to work anymore because of how horrible traffic is. I am afraid of walking sometimes because of how often I hear of people getting hit. we have to admit that this horrible development is negatively impacting our lives and ability to live here and we have to do something about it.