
circular_file OP t1_jdvmmip wrote

I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised. The first 30 mins 'getting the party together' and backstories could use some snugging up, but as soon as things get rolling, it's darned good. Wait until the Red Wizards come into their own. There are actually a few scenes that are sufficiently intense that you'll jump. My wife actually screamed out loud once. LOL.


circular_file OP t1_jdvma81 wrote

Maybe 45 seconds of dialog spread across three segments. They're not in any human language, do I would imagine they'll do translations to most of the widely spoken languages.


circular_file OP t1_jdvm28d wrote

Just grin and bear the first 20-30 minutes. If you every played D&D, you'll see what's going on (backstory building, getting the party together, etc.) but it definitely could have been tightened up a bit.


circular_file OP t1_jdvlul3 wrote

Umm.. not really. Definitely not a slapstick comedy. Lots of lighthearted banter and some outright funny moments, but not Monty Python.
There were even a few actual heartfelt scenes, relationship between father and daughter, forbidden romance and the consequences of racism, love and loss.
It's an action flick with some comedic and dramatic moments.


circular_file OP t1_jdvkxsl wrote

Fortunately for me, I didn't watch the trailer; my daughter wanted to see it, and anything we can do to get her away from the house we will jump on. 'You want to go see a movie with Mommy and I? Getting tickets now!'


circular_file OP t1_jdvkm9e wrote

The first 30 could definitely use some editing. I dig what they were trying to do, because it happens in every D&D campaign; backstories are told, the party is brought together, etc. I definitely think it could have been edited down a bit, a minute here, 30 seconds there, and it would have been a much tighter intro.


circular_file OP t1_jdvk76x wrote

zaktly the case. Just enough cliches and in-jokes to appeal to players, and enough of a straight up action/adventure/fantasy flick for a wider audience.


circular_file OP t1_jdvjrcv wrote


circular_file t1_j6jkd7b wrote

LOL. As my daughters are so ready to point out, I'm 'SO cis-het-white-male'. As far as they're concerned I'm only a few steps this side of Trump because I'm pro 2A, when in reality I'm a few steps to the left of Bernie. So, call me what you will, I have no objections; I can guarantee you I've been called worse, although I cannot say 'by better' because I don't know you at all.
Have a great afternoon!


circular_file t1_ivpum7f wrote

Would you recommend it for a casual player who isn't into violence for the sake of violence or convoluted puzzles for the sake of puzzles, but played the hell out of MMOs? I played Witcher and enjoyed it, but CoD and GTA aren't my bag. I played Journey and enjoyed it, but Myst wasn't my bag (beautiful world but the excessively contrived puzzles ruined it for me.) I'm definitely a casual player, at most I have half a dozen hours per week to play video games.