
cornnndoggg_ t1_j57wsyp wrote

Man, this article is serving as a reminder to Trump's last minute sentence commutes, which I need to add to my "insane shit I forgot about because there was just too much insane shit to remember it all" list. They were bizarre. Like, there having the ability to do that is justified, as there were people in the past who's sentences were commuted and rightfully so.

But as someone from Detroit, the dude commuted the sentence of Kwame Kilpatrick. Like, what the fuck.


cornnndoggg_ t1_j2csky9 wrote

got a question about these. I have been reading a lot of stories over the past week about the Troubled Teen Industry, and I saw something mentioned a few times and was wondering if it's to be taken literally. What I've seen is a repetition of part of the deal happening when a parent signs up their child for one of these programs is that the parents are signing over custody of the child to the program. Is that true? Would the facility have legal custody over the kids imprisoned there? These places are wild and should absolutely be illegal, but I feel like custody is a super territory in terms of legality. How on earth could it be that easy to transfer custody?

A side note question: I see very commonly in testimony from people who went to them that many of them continue to have a relationship with their parents after getting out of the program. This is absolutely wild to me. I suppose I could understand if they didn't know it was their parents that put them through the whole thing, but I am pretty sure, if it had happened to me, I would do any and everything possible to sever ties with those people. Is it common, or am I misreading things?


cornnndoggg_ t1_ithjpca wrote

I get the joke, but it's pretty commonly known that hall road is a division line in terms of a lot of things. The history behind it is interesting, since it's basically the marker of what could be considered a second white flight in the northern suburbs, when people who originally moved to areas like Warren and St. Clair Shores decided they hadn't moved far enough once more people moved to those areas.

But this is true everywhere. I noticed the ideological divides almost down to the street when I lived in Louisville, Seattle, and Phoenix especially. Detroit's history of it is just way more emphasized.


cornnndoggg_ t1_itbu8h7 wrote

I personally think there is definitely similarity between the two generally, but I am trying to think of it more locally. While I would normally say that there is a pretty big divide between the southeast and southwest of the state, the specific area of the southeast where the first case happened is not really all that different.

The southwest is known for being very conservative and very Christian, which seems to be prerequisites for Qanon. It's not so homogenous in the southeast... well it generally isn't, with the exception of this area. Sure, when you get north of major metropolitan areas, in like Almont, Romeo, Richmond, or Metamora, you run into a lot more of it, but areas even north of hall road are still mixed, like Washington or Rochester Hills. There just happens to be this strange pocket through Waterford, the lakes, and continuing east through northern Sterling Heights that is extremely galvanized in not only being Christian and conservative, but performatively Trump supporting, which I have noticed only makes Qanon beliefs a lot more common. I live in that area, and I always considered the Trump parades an element of deeply supporting areas, and not something I would ever see... until they were happening here every day.

A lot of these people have spent 6+ years believing, and nuancing their beliefs in that whole grift, and many of them went even deeper by reading into Qanon and opening themselves to some pretty insane conspiracies. The more you think about it, the less surprising it becomes that we are seeing things like this now.


cornnndoggg_ t1_it8uljs wrote

Not really. I live about 10 miles from where it happened. There was quite a bit more talk about it locally, and it went quite a bit deeper in detail. I am saying that there is quite a bit of familiarity between the two stories, and there are also many other stories that have happened recently that also share those similarities. Honestly, I am not really sure what is the point you're trying to make?

Look at my post history. If I was concerned about karma I wouldn't spend half my time talking about Civilization 6.


cornnndoggg_ t1_it89i4m wrote

Isn't this pretty similar to what happened in Walled Lake in September? Granted, that was violent, and immediate, but the same foundational detail between both cases. I think the Walled Like family annihilation thing was actually the morning of, or day after, 9/11. I thought I read the father had been having similar delusions about the events of 9/11.

edit: this case, and it looks like it was the morning of 9/11.