
crappy80srobot t1_jdyzhpw wrote

Our luxury dealership is usually even or cheaper on most repairs. In many cases customers come back to us because most places misdiagnose or make the car worse than it started. We also stick to factory recommended maintenance so even that is usually on par with most mom and pops or jiffy lube because those places thrive on up selling useless snake oil products. I can think of hundreds of customers who bragged about saving so much going the a lube shop for oil and filter only to realize they have been getting fucked because said shop convinced them synthetic is 5k and not 10k 1 year. So they get shocked realizing they have been overpaying with oil and now have a leaky housing and paper in the pickup because a fleece filter was never used. We really should cost more considering the metric shit ton of money we sink in tech training and special tools. I'm not saying all dealerships are legit but an honest and fair one even at a higher price is where you should take your car.


crappy80srobot t1_jck6q7d wrote

One of the big reasons I stick with my pixel phone. I went to iPhone for a year and temporarily had a loaner Samsung for a few weeks. Google seems to be the only manufacturer that actually tries to block spam on calls and text. Any other phone I get at least five calls a day and constantly get text spam. On pixel I get none. Even if a call makes it past initial blocks it's screened and I can see the call hang up before the screening announcement finishes. I can go into spam messages and see thousands of blocked messages I was never bothered by. It really is bliss.


crappy80srobot t1_irvd4eq wrote

My pixel has gone off twice over the years. The first time I slammed my phone down in the seat because I was mad at someone. I didn't know what the alarm and the person talking was at first because I forgot I had the feature. Kinda put me in a panic. Good thing it ask if your okay first and doesn't immediately call 911. It really seems like a non-issue as long as the iPhone functions the same way. Honestly don't know why this is a story or why anyone talks about this feature. It's nothing new and these instances have been seen before. I feel like I heard the same talking points three years ago.