
curtmandu t1_jdqm34f wrote

Reply to comment by NikkyTikkiTavi in "I am for real" by NationYell

Super interesting! I used to drive all over to deliver Peterbilt trucks, so I pay attention to plates out of habit. Never noticed the stickers on Ohio plates before though, but I’m glad I know now lol. It was one of my favorite states to drive through


curtmandu t1_jdqjh0o wrote

TIL Mississippi has counties listed on plates. I knew Tennessee did it, didn’t know MS did too. Edit for typo


curtmandu t1_j3c7ef8 wrote

I’m awfully fond of Appalachia. My dad has a few acres outside of Beckley WV. Very lush and green, but still different than it is here, in its own ways.


curtmandu t1_iu5gwhs wrote

Not the first time I’ve heard of natives doing this to white people lol…when a little town near where I grew up applied to the post office to use “Sweetwater” they were informed the name was already in use, natives in the area said “Mobeetie” was their word for sweet water, so that’s what it’s been named ever since, but it was later revealed the name actually meant “Buffalo shit” lol.