
cyphersaint t1_jeh43zr wrote

I'm mostly talking about the human interactions that a person needs on a regular basis. I was mostly saying that human interactions are something that everyone needs. You're correct that such interactions will likely be their family, especially in a society where nobody needs to work. Though, I suspect that for certain diagnoses (assuming they still exist), it might be best to hear them from a person. And, honestly, people will WANT to do such things.


cyphersaint t1_jegtcdu wrote

The fact is that people need interaction with people. The physical portions of the care could be done by robotics, but any long term care will need to involve people unless the AI can provide the interactions that happen between people. And that includes physical interaction, which is why I mentioned humaniform robots.


cyphersaint t1_jefmrbk wrote

Android Automotive is different from Android Auto. Android Auto allows you to connect your smart phone to your car. Android Automotive is the car's OS, essentially. They want all of the I/O to go through that, and not your phone. That way they can charge you a subscription fee for anything you use connected to it.


cyphersaint t1_j24pb8u wrote

Carbon capture is going to be a necessity. We're simply NOT going to completely stop creation, and we're not likely to get it down to the point where the environment isn't being negatively impacted. Furthermore, zero carbon simply isn't enough. Not with the length of time that carbon stays in the atmosphere.