dbag127 t1_jdm6r21 wrote
Reply to comment by newreddituser666 in I know it shouldn't be, but it's always weird seeing DC on a random, unrelated sub. by snow-days
Yes because the worst part of seeing the cherry blossoms is how long you spend looking at them.
dbag127 t1_j4bx3zm wrote
Reply to comment by temporarytuna in DC Mayor is Now Banned From the House Floor by its_an_alaia
Might still be less petty than allowing smoking again.
dbag127 t1_ix2roww wrote
Reply to comment by MedicalSpecializer in Tired of Drivers by MedicalSpecializer
Someone had a gun pulled on them on video about 2 years ago at M and 1st by Harris teeter. Don't fuck around with these people. The ones giving the fewest fucks about you as a ped/cyclist are the same ones who already have felonies on their record and who's whole persona is about not stepping down/back and who are armed illegally as a rule.
dbag127 t1_iwq5mpb wrote
Reply to comment by ICYaLata in I am taking apart a small engine, and wondered how I should label the bags I am placing screws in. by Wooble_Gopp
But tape them to the covers. Because otherwise you will bump something and all the screws end up behind the oldest heaviest object in your shop.
dbag127 t1_iwhbavd wrote
Reply to comment by thecr0tch in Recycled wastewater is not only as safe to drink as conventional potable water, it may even be less toxic than many sources of water we already drink daily by giuliomagnifico
No, it's best not to drink the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant. In the US, wwtp effluent is generally cleaner than the natural water body it flows into, which is where a drinking water treatment plant gets it's raw water.
dbag127 t1_ivfrpwq wrote
Reply to comment by Dr_JA in We know about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms evolving to better infect other organisms. Consequently, diseases change too to some extent. Are there any examples of human bodies evolving to fight against these disease causing agents? by ha_ha_ha_ha_hah
Do you know which countries those are?
dbag127 t1_jdy4388 wrote
Reply to comment by CrownStarr in Felon who killed DC cyclist attempts to vacate plea deal. by [deleted]
They literally are though.