
defaultman707 t1_jblsk06 wrote

Okay I’ll take your bait. I don’t care about his cheating. That’s his personal life and shouldn’t be a topic of discussion for the public. Why he IS a terrible person, is his negligence to operate a multiple thousands of pounds vehicle on a number of occasions. Anybody that is caught driving with hydrocodone, hydromorphone, Xanax, and ambien in their system IS a POS, plain and simple.

It’s crazy to me the lengths that people are going to protect a celebrity baby who faces zero consequences for his actions.


defaultman707 t1_jbjfode wrote

Nah that’s the most recent one that happened 2021. The one they’re referring to he smashed his car into a tree and a fire hydrant in 2009, and he was cited for careless driving. Can’t forget the DUI in 2017 where hydrocodone, hydromorphone, Xanax, and ambien were in his system.

At the very least the mf should NOT have a license.