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griminald t1_jbizhpl wrote

Just noting this for other readers -- From the article:

>Herman's attorney is citing a federal law, the Speak Out Act, that prevents the enforcement of nondisclosure agreements in instances of sexual assault and harassment.


JamesXX t1_jbj4wiz wrote

I think the next sentence is important to not leave out... and kind of confusing to be honest!

>Herman's attorney, Benjamin Hodas, indicated the case involved allegations of sexual abuse, although those allegations might not involve Woods directly.


bogboom t1_jbjquuh wrote

She’s trying every loophole she can find.


Col_daddy t1_jbk8uno wrote

You forgot the key words that make that sentence either acceptable or not. In this case acceptable. Keep reading, it totally helps build context.


defaultman707 t1_jbj0c6e wrote

Nah it’s just some gold digger looking for a cash grab, Reddit has spoken. /s


Col_daddy t1_jbk91y6 wrote

It is that way when all the damn facts point in that direction. Don’t worry you’ve seen enough on TV to make your determination. He cheated on his wife, damn him to eternity. 😂


defaultman707 t1_jblsk06 wrote

Okay I’ll take your bait. I don’t care about his cheating. That’s his personal life and shouldn’t be a topic of discussion for the public. Why he IS a terrible person, is his negligence to operate a multiple thousands of pounds vehicle on a number of occasions. Anybody that is caught driving with hydrocodone, hydromorphone, Xanax, and ambien in their system IS a POS, plain and simple.

It’s crazy to me the lengths that people are going to protect a celebrity baby who faces zero consequences for his actions.


Col_daddy t1_jbltoha wrote

Sheeeesh. Judge, jury and executioner here. Step outta default mans way here….he’s got work to doc