
dingadangdang t1_j3mgtgd wrote

Early on the easiest thing I thought about was 2 exact same clocks on 2 different planets. Planet A has 2x the gravity as Planet B. Time should run twice fast on Planet B. I realize this is probably oversimplified and I may have read it as an example.

Fantastic book called "About Time" by physicist Paul Davies is a great introduction to some of this.


dingadangdang t1_ixt2bwy wrote

Ring as a company, and the CEO or inventor, is full on pro police having access to your account-it was this way before Amazon bought it and I don't really care, but some of you may want to Google it and get more info. I read an in depth article, and have no idea where it was, but if you're concerned about your civil liberties I wouldn't use Ring. They can't get me for shit so doesn't matter to me. I'm too old to care anymore. No one is coming for your guns Toby. I'm a leftwing liberal in a Red State and I just don't give a shit. You can buy guns, fireworks, weed in most states and ride your motorcycle.

My concern is oppression of minorities and voting rights. I'll be dead in 25 years. The environment is f'd and God bless the rest of you cuz we all are gonna need it to get thru the shit storm a brewing.