
dishwashersafe t1_ivkxmn2 wrote

Seriously. The guy behind me today was screaming at the workers demanding to vote right now. I guess the system said he had voted already. The workers handled the situation very calmy and professionally. And that was just in the 5 minutes I saw of the 13 hours they're open today. It's a thankless job and they deserve some recognition!


dishwashersafe t1_it7aseg wrote

Makes sense! What about occupation or age? Those seems like closer parallels. Are they not protected in a legal sense? Can a neighborhood legally decide "we're a 55+ community now" and everyone younger isn't allowed to renew their lease? Can a neighborhood legally say no factory workers are allowed anymore because they're ruining the character of the white collar neighborhood? Maybe the answer is "yes", but I feel like it shouldn't be!


dishwashersafe t1_it5hhn5 wrote

Thanks for the links. That was a good read. Obligatory "I'm no lawyer, but" even without being a suspect class (and I'm not convinced they aren't), it can still be discrimination. The main argument as far as I can tell is that concerns about maintaining the character of the neighborhood are legitimate. Now replace "college student" with [racial minority of your choice] and suddenly those arguments don't seem okay.


dishwashersafe t1_it2m0nf wrote

This is discrimination plain and simple. So 4 people can live together if they're not going to college?? But if they decide to get an education, let's punish them?

>"We need to do what we can to preserve housing for our residents"

Oh so students aren't residents?? Fuck off.

And don't get me started on affordable housing... so say there's a 5 bedroom house available, but sorry, you're only allowed to have 3 students live there. Way to simultaneously increase costs AND reduce supply.


dishwashersafe t1_iqvhjr1 wrote

Reply to comment by iandavid in We need this! by PuzzleheadedTest1919

WTF? I didn't know about that lawsuit! Truck tolling was the smartest thing this state has done, and the opposition to it boggles my mind.

I haven't studies the lawsuit yet, but I can't wrap my head around how it could be unconstitutional.

EDIT: Ok it seems like it's discriminatory because local heavy vehicles are exempt, but not out of state ones. I still don't get it. The Newport bridge toll rate depends on residency. And even if that is deemed discriminatory, the obvious answer would be to start charging local trucks, not do away with the whole program, no?


dishwashersafe t1_iqvgwi4 wrote

Gas in Tokyo is also an $1/gal more expensive than here and income tax is an extra ~10%. You get what you pay for.

Tell RIers you're going to raise the tax rate and gas prices, and people will lose their shit.