
dominicaldaze t1_jbsxx8q wrote

Reply to comment by jondaley in Jobs by Wumboalt1

I think you're describing the general problem with population in New Hampshire as a whole, the north is very sparsely populated and consequently has much fewer jobs in industry. But there's plenty of jobs down south closer to the sea coast where there's more people. Not really fair to ding the state as a whole for what is a regional problem.


dominicaldaze t1_jbsvkhb wrote

Reply to comment by jondaley in Jobs by Wumboalt1

Your experience kind of surprises me because NH likes to view its manufacturing industry as quite robust. There are a lot of factories and machine shops in the state compared to its population.


dominicaldaze t1_ja2ug57 wrote

I'm a machinist and you can get industrial diamond files for about $20-25 from a supply website called Mcmaster-Carr.... No ergonomic handle but they'll last forever if all you do is file nails instead of metal!