
dontneedaknow t1_iu4k6yu wrote

You don't know shit. We've already established that.

Not sure what your trying here.

Take care tho...

I hope you learn to not weigh your own personal value on energy production being reliant on single source type systems.

Like not only would that be stupid to have ONLY nuclear energy and nothing else.

It's not what were doing right now, and no rational civilization would ever "Just use nuclear energy alone." Or any other "Only use one single system of energy production."

This is why you are satire.

You're fuckong arguing marbles for shits n giggles lol.


dontneedaknow t1_iu4h21p wrote

Europe is in that situation because they hedged their bets on the globalized system continuing to work out as ot had for the previous 70 years...

Then Putin invaded Ukraine and the excuse for decoupling presented itself.

We are watching 70 years globalization be unwound in as controlled a manner as possible.

But sure...

Blame wind energy and blame peoples mental health for them thinking outside your little box.


dontneedaknow t1_iu3ynbh wrote

Distributed, production is a good thing...

Why concentrate all production in a single place rather than not evenly distributed to offset issues with a power generation station having to go offline for whatever reason.

Nuclear, along with Solar, and tidal energy, are all valid, safe, and desperately needed forms of production.

Debating energy production is not a dick measuring contest. like for my sanity I'm pretending you are satire and I'm currently satirically explaining the joke to you..

Like... I cannot gauge anyone else's ability level in self awareness... But you exemplify a absolute lack of it in your rhetoric, if I can imagine what an example of it looks liek.


dontneedaknow t1_iu3kpc2 wrote

I dunno why the rich vs poor argument is even brought up in a discussion about the Russian empires oligarchy..

Like no shit there are incredibly rich people in Russia with the power to buy their way out and through most barriers in life that us plebs have to navigate carefully. That's the whole meaning of an Oligarchy. and the very same system is whats killing off the Russian peoples 18-30 year olds to the point where the Russians are committing demographic suicide right now.

Yah... Of course there is a rich/poor gap in Russia. They basically throw it in the worlds faces everywhere they go..