
duke_awapuhi t1_j7a69et wrote

Ah yes I remember that part. And from everything I’ve heard, that’s absolutely based on something real that would happen, where people in the settlement would sneak up to the main part of the island. Definitely a treacherous journey though, and even more treacherous at night. It is pitch black out there. Only the stars and moon provide light. Nowadays you can see a glow coming from Honolulu, but at the time when the book took place you definitely couldn’t. Also, having myself walked around in the jungle at night on Molokai, it’s not for the faint of heart. There’s spooky noises and lots of creepy crawlies. Whenever I’ve gone into the thick of it I bring a machete lol. Also my late Uncle carried a gun lol


duke_awapuhi t1_j7a531g wrote

Oh yeah that’s right! I saw that one recently. I’ll definitely give it another stab. I’m obsessed with Hawaiian history and yeah, have deep ties to the islands, plus Molokai is my favorite island haha. I’ve spent too much time there to not give the book another chance. Best to you as well! Happy reading and happy travels!


duke_awapuhi t1_j79zd66 wrote

That book made me cry. I couldn’t finish it. My great great great grandma got mentioned in the first couple pages though which was cool. Alan Brennart does great research.

Unless youre talking about the Bushnell Molokai book, which is also good, but not a moving story like the other one


duke_awapuhi t1_j79xut6 wrote

If you ever get the chance to go to Molokai, you have to take the pilgrimage down to Kalaupapa. You traverse down those cliffs on 26 switchbacks, and enter what used to be a “leper colony” starting in about the 1870’s. Today we call leprosy Hansen’s Disease, and there are still a dozen or so patients with Hansen’s Disease who live in the Kalaupapa settlement. You will get to meet at least one of the patients (you cannot catch the disease just from meeting and shaking hands with a person who has it). You tour around the whole Kalaupapa peninsula, and it’s just an incredible experience. 10/10. Down to one of the most isolated communities In the world. If you are catholic, I recommend the journey even more strongly, and you’ll see why once you get there.

Bring lots of water, you have to hike back up the trail afterwards. You used to be able to take a mule or horse down, but I dont think they have that option right now. For those who are not fit enough to make the hike, you can also fly into the peninsula (you aren’t allowed to stay the night), but if you are able to do the hike, I recommend it. The views are amazing. Those are the only two ways in and out of the Kalaupapa settlement. Once the last Hansen’s disease patient dies, it will become a national park that’s much more accessible.