
dumbredditer t1_j63za2b wrote

I don't need to read what I wrote. It is for you to read and understand, if you don't understand it then let me know and I can explain further.

Do you know what Khalistan is? Let me hear your definition.


dumbredditer t1_j63wyuy wrote

I did not say all Hindus are terrorists. You cannot deny the fact that it was Hindu mobs who directly targeted Sikh homes with voter lists provided by Indian govt. In addition, why are you bringing Muslims into this? 1984 Sikh Genocide has nothing to do with Muslims.

So you are saying Indians are thugs? Majority of India are Hindus.

From 1984 until late 1990s Indian police killed thousands of Sikhs. Anyone who wore a turban was picked up and killed in fake encounters. I've seen it with my own eyes.
Here is the database ensaaf.org


dumbredditer t1_j63rh4o wrote

Source: https://m.tribuneindia.com/news/amritsar/release-of-sikh-prisoners-sought-430377

Indian govt keeps releasing rapists and murderers way before they finish their sentences but when it comes to Sikh political prisoners they don't even release them decades after they serve their sentences.

Hinduism only exists because Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought against Hindu conversion to Islam. Hinduism wouldn't exist today if He didn't sacrifice his life and family to protect Hindus.
In addition, India also only got its freedom from British because of the fight put up by Panjabi Sikhs. Go to Andaman Nicobar jail and you can see 95% of the names are Sikh names.

So before you talk more crap about Sikhs just know that India owes everything to them.


dumbredditer t1_j63ptjd wrote

Sikhs were murdered by Hindu mobs through the genocide sponsored by Indian govt at the time. It happened to be Congress govt at the time. It has always been Indian govt agenda to suppress Sikhs. Regardless of which political party is in power.


dumbredditer t1_j5ljdby wrote

Sikh prisoners who have completed their sentences have been kept in jail for decades after their sentence periods ended. Indian govt is quiet on it. Why? Because India hates Sikhs and Muslims. Even though Hindus only exist today because of Sikhs


dumbredditer t1_j5j1nky wrote

Indian state refusing to act on the agreement of sovereign Sikh state. Continuous attempts to merge Sikhi into Hinduism.
Continued attempts to keep breaking Punjab further into smaller States. Himachal, Haryana were all part of Panjab. Continuing to steal Panjab's waters.


dumbredditer t1_j5fkr44 wrote

It's not focusing on semantics, he and his corrupt friends used that in political campaigns to portray him as a poor tea seller, which he is not. He is a criminal.

I don't care about Gandhis either they are just as bad, they did Sikh Genocide and Modi did muslim genocide.