
duxpdx t1_j5xw0lo wrote

YTD is Year to date which means from the start of the current year to the current date. That is January 1st 2023 to the current date.

It is not the performance over the past 365 days.


duxpdx t1_izznh4w wrote

Actually this is probably incorrect, at least for vehicles. Most people don’t wait for their engine to die before getting a new car. Having a vehicle battery that can maintain its storage capacity would be a huge benefit for the adoption of EVs, as well as for the used and new car markets. Auto manufacturers make more on a battery in a new car than in having to sell one to replace a depleted battery in an old car. The residual value of batteries from older vehicles would be a benefit to the used car and salvage markets. Your car frame might be totaled but your battery might be reusable or recyclable.