
dxiao t1_iybtwuj wrote

What you are saying is from the perspective of a westerner, China and it’s people does not care to prove anything to the world. That’s where you are mistaken, to think they feel like they have a need to prove something to the west. They are not scared, they are just not going to play this game and just continue to grow. China is going to do what is best for China. You say they are being ridiculed but that’s only because of the media you are exposed to. Muslim countries are coming to chinas defense on this topic. Asia continues to partner and grow economically with China. Only we in the west and our Allies think they are being ridiculed. China’s GDP continues to grow year over year, inflation is ranked the lowest in the world, they simply don’t care what we have to say.


dxiao t1_iybnf9r wrote

Even if people were being gassed to death, starving to death by the hundreds of thousands, massacred due to religion, those with power wouldn’t act unless it aligned with their political entity and agenda.

Im curious how you think we as average citizens are suppose to stop it, things occurring outside of our reach. Im not saying we shouldn’t, im asking how.


dxiao t1_iyblkxb wrote

I agree, all atrocities should be called out and actions taken against, but that is a very ideological view point and not realistic. Countries and their political bodies have interests, if the calling out and action would not further those interests, then these political bodies have no desire to do so. That is unfortunately how most of the world works.

China did open up and allow investigators in and have done so recently again. Michelle Bachelet, former head of the UN visited and wrote a lengthy report dated as recent as august 31st 2022. Guess what, you cant find one instance where the word genocide is used and unlike most people, I actually read all 48 pages and it’s references, which a lot were anecdotal. Like a Uyghur woman said this or a Uyghur man said that. There is certainly some human rights impacted, like to be able to freely mobilize or practice religion in an enclosed private space en masse, these are just some examples but not all. This isn’t a genocide, concentration camps are not the same as re-education camps. Do re education camps suck and probably push or breaks the boundaries of human rights, most likely. But China isn’t gassing up and killing millions of Muslims. Anyways, I digress, my point is that countries do and should care for their self interest, it’s where those interest lie that matters. It’s how we advance and further ourselves, as a country, that matters.


dxiao t1_iyb30yo wrote

I get where you are coming from, 99% of people on Reddit know nothing about China and only knows how to repeat the article heads lines and western narrative that we see day in and out on Reddit. So when someone that is actually educated about China AND it’s peoples culture, it can certainly catch someone off guard.

This is so typical of Reddit, when one cannot bring up a coherent argument, they resort to attacking their persona and often by going through one’s history to find “evidence” to further justify their internal biases.

Regarding the our interests and the root cause of us messing with xinjiang, it’s simply one of the methods that we use to try to slow down their growth, decreasing the potential competition and market share. We have been trying to slow down China for the last decade but have made little or no progress, they can make high quality products at competitive prices and that is a problem for us. Huawei is a key example here, if we didn’t step in, Huawei would’ve taken over Europe at an communication infrastructure level, this is a huge concern us Americans for obvious reasons. We do not want to fuel the fire(China) anymore, it’s growing so big that it’s becoming a risk hence why we are trying to put the fire out(chips act) or slow it down. Historically, xinjiang has been the corridor for terrorists to enter into China, a small but growing number was starting to become a concern in the 2010s. Many propagandist or conspiracy theorist say that the CIA has a heavy hand in helping the migration of these Muslim terrorists from places like Syria and Yemen into xinjiang in order to disrupt the growth of that region and ultimately China, but this is not a fact. Regardless, I think it’s important to be able to critically think and understand why we as a country are so obsessed with China when there are many many other countries in the world committing much worse atrocities.