
eegocentrik t1_j28tjlz wrote

From youur source:

An infinite set (e.g. integers) and an infinite proper subset of the set (e.g. natural numbers) can have the same number of elements. In fact, all the following infinite sets have the same number of elements: natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, even numbers, odd numbers, prime numbers, etc."

Elements, not numbers.

There are the same number of elements between 0 and 1 and 0 and infinity, not NUMBERS.


eegocentrik t1_j28slb5 wrote

To you.

Again you're arguing on shower thoughts, and if you want to be an incorrect smug ass while doing so that's your right.

Again feel free to provide your source as I have looked it up and I am still representing the concept accurately.

Please provide evidence for you claim

Strawman, equivocation fallacy.