
elaborate_hoxha t1_jeh22sl wrote

I’d heard a third hand account from a coworker a couple years ago that the mother, working at the (now closed) stockyards cafe, had gone out back for a smoke and had witnessed some sort cocaine mule operation involving cows to move the product. Supposedly it was a local western store owner. … and a separate rumor that they’re buried in a certain western store sign foundation.


elaborate_hoxha t1_jdg3gys wrote

Get involved with local and state ballot initiatives or start one yourself. Over 60% of MO voters voted to shoot down “Right to Work” a few years ago. 53% voted to legalize cannabis. Etc.

Vetting progressive candidates, knocking doors for them (very important) and getting them elected is the only way to stop the stranglehold that CoC has on the city. It takes hard work but you can win.

A good way to get the chops for it is joining or getting active in your union and if you can’t do that you can get good campaign training and experience working with Jobs with Justice. They’re great. Do the work, keep going.

Someone already mentioned several affinity groups that are interested in the very same things OP mentioned. These are the like minded folks you want to build relationships with and work with. Then keep going.


elaborate_hoxha t1_j9tvvn7 wrote

So this is a glaring and MASSIVE failure by the mayor and city council (and their predecessors) to address this problem. This city council has paid lip service and ignored Christi and Connecting Grounds. And Arnott has the gall to say put people in her parking lot. SHE IS! And has for a long time and even her own home.

The current Sheriff, city council and mayor have got to go. Talk about kicking the can down the road. The new jail is full before they open. Ridiculous! And there are more and more people living on the streets everyday. It’s madness, and we keep giving them money for these useless punitive measures. It will not solve the problem!

Make funding available for (social, medical/mental health)services and low income housing in this area and the issues with homelessness and “criminals” will cease to be such a massive issue. And stick with it. Preventative not punitive.

Raise people up instead of kicking them when they’re down!


elaborate_hoxha t1_j4t1k4m wrote

Guarantee it’s one, maybe two people in this area. Shockingly this hate/terrorist group isn’t recruiting the best and brightest… they had their database of vandalism and hate crime videos leaked last year. https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/patriot-front-fascist-leak-exposes-nationwide-racist-campaigns/