
t1_jchk07w wrote

I can assure you the majority of dickbags that post here only say shit like this because they can get away with it, I've had neighbors help with my snowed in driveway many times completely unsolicited, people are generally friendly and helpful here, one post on Front Porch Forum will get a ton of helpful responses immediately from my experiences.


t1_j5il6d3 wrote

other businesses don't have nearly the same problems that KFC/Taco Bell do, it's universal in New England I've noticed, I've tried to get stuff at 3 different Taco Bells in VT and in NH and they all are horrible. Yet at the same time I can goto another business like Moe's or Wendys or Burger King and get in and out in 10 minutes or less with food no problem, even during busy times.

There's something wrong with the regional Yum! Brands management here that's especially worse when it comes to organizing their stores and workforce.


t1_j4u3euj wrote

cougars attack and kill humans orders magnitude more than wolves ever have, wolves tend to avoid humans for the most part, if anything, they attack dogs and cats, but so do coyotes generally.

-for the people downvoting me, have you ever actually looked up the statistics? It's far more likely they'll attack each other than another person.

Cougar: >A total of 126 attacks, 27 of which were fatal, have been documented in North America in the past 100 years.


>PAST 100 YEARS; reintroduction in the lower 48 in 1995 Fatal United States (lower 48): 1 (pet wolf) United States (Alaska): 2 (1 predatory, 1 rabid) Canada: 2 (1 predatory, 1 captive) Nonfatal United States (lower 48): 3 (1 brain damaged, 2 captive) United States (Alaska): 7 (3 predatory, 3 rabid, 1 agressive) Canada: 15 (10 predatory, 2 agressive, 1 captive, 1 rabid, 1 provoked)

>EVER RECORDED Fatal United States (lower 48): 14 United States (Alaska): 2 Canada: 5 Nonfatal United States (lower 48): 12 United States (Alaska): 8 Canada: 21 (2 in Arctic Circle)





t1_j4p4326 wrote

this is a misconception, the vast majority of the hippies were Silent Gen, IE Bernie's Generation, I know that because my mom was a boomer who was born in 1949 and was 20 in 1969 and missed the entire movement because she was too young. The majority of boomers were younger than her even, just the very oldest boomers were part of that movement and they were a small minority of their generation.


t1_j4o2ax2 wrote

exceptions to the rule aren't representative of group dynamics, especially when one of your examples, Warren, was a conservative during the Reagan years. We have polling that's quite clear on the overall ideological positions between generations, and older ones are clearly more conservative and have been so consistently for decades.


t1_j4nqoy4 wrote

It would help if you could explain your needs, solar exposure, personal electrical skills/DIY mindset, and financial requirements before anyone can really give you viable solutions.

If you're in anyway handy, I'd suggest watching vids by Will Prowse who wrote a book on this stuff and regularly posts videos about solar setups, inverters, batteries etc and does reviews for them, he goes from newbie level all the way to advanced stuff.



t1_j4n65tc wrote

yeah but overall all older generations were shitting on the trades and non-white collar work for years, I'm 37 and through my entire life from childhood until probably a decade ago I was hearing everyone older than me constantly say how blue collar work was for losers. How if you wanted to get anywhere in life you had to goto college, that if you didn't, you'd be stuck being a plumber or laborer, or work fast food, people were shitting on garbage men even. It wasn't even just people, it was movies, tv shows, music, books, just about every bit of media from the last 50 years was mocking and deriding blue collar work.

It's only in the last decade that it's been turning around, but I still hear this mentality from people, usually the privileged rich douche types, but still sometimes from older people. But regardless, the damage is done, hardly anyone in my age or younger is getting into the trades because the stigma is already entrenched that it's deadend work even though right now it pays better than many white collar jobs.


t1_j1xxkfw wrote

They will come from everywhere, what's going to happen is as the climate continues to break down, southern and midwestern/western states are going to become more uninhabitable due to climate induced events, so people are going to start showing up more and more to our area of the country. Whether they have houses or jobs to come to won't matter, people will show up regardless, and they'll live in their cars, tents, or shacks to do it, just like desperate migrants have for all of human history.

Politicians here, like most places, don't seem to understand this reality, Scott especially is incredibly stupid when it comes to this future, but there's a good chance he'll still be office as people start to show up on his doorstep, maybe then he'll actually do something about housing and climate resiliency.


t1_j105y2w wrote

I've been using T-Mobile since I got here in 2016 and coverage has expanded way more than it was back then, I used to basically have zero coverage outside of Burlington, some of St Albans, and Montpelier, and a few other small areas, but I can get a consistent signal through most highways and small towns now. I still get plenty of deadzones, but my gf has Verizon and she used to get coverage way more than I did, and now it's literally the opposite.


t1_ir6ox0w wrote

I knew it was going to be Adventures With Purpose, they're the only people that give a shit about this sort of thing, what the fuck is our bloated national police budget doing for us if a bunch of amateurs paying out of their own pocket and youtube money can do in a few hours what cops can't seem to do in months or even years?