enduring_student t1_ixf80jc wrote
Reply to [Image] be your own bestie by x00xmoon
It is still important to put in the effort to build and maintain healthy relationships with other. And it's just as important to put in the effort to build and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself.
enduring_student t1_ixf7kmm wrote
This. Fuck yeah.
enduring_student t1_iwg2fj3 wrote
I've been doing this for years. It's difficult sometimes, but damn if my life and the lives of the people around me don't keep getting better and better!
enduring_student t1_iwg2aw4 wrote
Reply to [Image] Let's make it a great day! by chris_downie
Done and done! I'm on Reddit as a reward for getting shit done.
enduring_student t1_iwb4y64 wrote
Reply to [Image] Hurt me with the truth… by Lioness-
I mean, both suck, a hurtful truth or a lie. But I'd rather know the truth.
Also, I want to point out that it's almost always possible to tell the truth in a way that doesn't hurt. Just saying.
enduring_student t1_iwb4rs0 wrote
Reply to [Story] 4 years and 2 lifetimes ago... by HyzerFlip
I have heard your story: triumph. Good story.
enduring_student t1_iw49cb1 wrote
Reply to comment by HelpfulLime3856 in [Image] Put fear aside for a moment... by Gainsborough-Smythe
'If you're scared to do it, do it scared.' I like that. You have to be careful how you use the idea, but it's still a good concept.
enduring_student t1_iw0tjnm wrote
Reply to [Image] Always do your best by Quick-wittedBaker
I really liked this one, thank you for posting it. It made me happy.
enduring_student t1_iw0surs wrote
Reply to [Image] "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson by Butterflies_Books
I know exactly what this is like. I've been though a lot in my life, and some of it was really ugly. One night I was hanging out with a friend who told me that his life was better for having me in it. All in a rush, everything I'd been through was worth it, Worth It. My life has been much better since that moment.
enduring_student t1_iw0ivfe wrote
Reply to comment by gnied777 in [Image] Put fear aside for a moment... by Gainsborough-Smythe
Nice! Lucky!
enduring_student t1_iw0ir70 wrote
Dig it, thank you!
enduring_student t1_ivszvfz wrote
I'm a big fan of self help from a place of knowledge and understanding, so I recommend educational books.
One I learned a lot from is 'The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog' by Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph. D. and Maia Szalavits. Great insights into how brains our minds develop with different types and amounts of stress.
Also, probably the best financial advice is how to save money, and few books have more tools for that than 'The Tightwad Gazette' by Amy Dacyczyn.
Both do have a US focus, just FYI, but the basic concepts are applicable to nearly everyone.
enduring_student t1_ivsy3fx wrote
Reply to [Image] Negativity. Just say no. by Gainsborough-Smythe
This one made me laugh, in a good way. Thank you!
enduring_student t1_ivswzcv wrote
Reply to comment by conversingwithoceans in [Image] You can’t broadcast the inner work. by conversingwithoceans
I'm really glad you liked it! Feel free to pass it on!
enduring_student t1_ivprqaf wrote
There are so many things worth doing because they matter to you, or to the action itself, or because they will help make the world better, or any of thousands of other reasons that have nothing to do with reward of any kind.
Do them because somebody should and you are somebody.
enduring_student t1_ivmbcpf wrote
Reply to [Image] Us and others... by Gainsborough-Smythe
Part of wisdom is gaining understanding from others, even the irritating stuff.
enduring_student t1_ivh5fh2 wrote
Reply to comment by Nevermemory in [Image] You don't hate yourself. You hate NOT being your SELF. by unsizedType11
Well, how could you make this happen, even in small ways?
enduring_student t1_ivh53w9 wrote
Fuuuuck this is good! Thank you for posting!
enduring_student t1_ive634i wrote
Reply to comment by UrsoKronsage in [Image] You matter. You are enough. by motivationswag
I'm sorry. May any of us be of some help, even just to listen?
enduring_student t1_ivdy2lu wrote
Reply to [Image] You matter. You are enough. by motivationswag
I find that the more I know I belong in the world the less off I feel, and vice-versa. Working on as many little ways as I can find to be a better, healthier person helps so so much with living, and little things like this help with that.
Thank you.
enduring_student t1_iv4feyg wrote
Trees often do this. We can learn a lot from trees. Not everything we need to know, but enough we should pay attention.
enduring_student t1_iv4egvi wrote
An important thing to keep in mind is to do what works for you without hurting others.
Seriously, it's so simple that it's easy to overlook. There are so many systems, methods, techniques available to try. Not all of them will work for you in a given time or situation, so just have them in your toolbox and pull out what you need. It helps to take notes on what worked and what didn't and why. The important thing is to lean into what works.
Also a note about motivation: 1) It is a good fuel that comes in lots of different styles, and 2) Will rarely get you all the way to any goal. You need lots of different fuels to burn in your engine of achievement: discipline, rewards, reminders, friends and family, habits, kicking yourself just enough to get up and try again (but not enough to feel like an awful person), taking a break, schedules, etc. These are all more tools in your toolbox, more ways to find what works for you.
Edited for grammar.
enduring_student t1_iv4cctb wrote
Reply to [Image] by Scandroid99
I've had to put something down that I really wanted to achieve so I could focus on something else I need for a while. After I get this second thing mostly done, I can focus more on the first one, so I'm really glad to have practical, succinct, honest help like this to help me make solid progress. Thank you.
enduring_student t1_iv4afom wrote
Reply to [Image] Be good to yourself. by eagleclaw901
Yes. Thank you, this was a good reminder.
enduring_student t1_ixfbm0x wrote
Reply to [Text] I’m stuck at home in a dreadful job. How do I get motivated to live my life every day? by clmtt
For me it's sometimes a matter of finding out what disrupts me from Doing The Thing.
I have exercise goals too, but right now I have a pretty random schedule which means working out at random times, which in and of itself isn't bad! But I'll get wrapped up in a task and forget to workout. For me a good trick is to set a timer to snap me out of my task so I get up and go exercise. I'm still working on remembering to set the timer but hey, baby steps are still progress.
So my advice is to think about the things that stop you from Doing The Thing, in this case exercising and going out more. Even if they seem stupid or that you should just be able to ignore them, pay them their due if they derail things, it's often the small things that end up being the most difficult so don't be shy in admitting something like 'I hate the color of my gym socks, I got them because they where on sale but now I hate them.' Wear fuzzy socks with adorable baby lamas on them if that's what works!
The point is to figure out what does work for you, and does not work for you, and lean into what works.