erics75218 t1_j5veghx wrote
Reply to comment by leonardo_demon in A punch in the face for all VR/AR companies by leonardo_demon
I get a lot of hate for having the same opinion mostly. It's a very specific tool for a very specific use case. And it will not ever, imo, be for gen pop. No family of 5 is spending 14K on headsets so they can watch TV in VR.
The fact that to share in the experience "everyone needs a headset" reminds me of going in circles. Were not the first moving picture experiences done inside of little boxes where you mash your face against a "binocular" type of window thing?
Then they invented the technology to make the image SO BIG, everyone who COULD see the screen could see the stuff on the screen. This has been the go to, since it got sorted. It's kinda amazing, you can easily point out things on the screen and everyone in the room can look there. Being humans, as we are, this is really great and fast and natural.
So now we're gonna go full circle, and everyone is gonna need some form of single view headset device, to see something? And again I get all the specific use cases. I have no idea how many there are, perhaps millions.
But it's a bit worrying that even in the enterprise, specific use case "community" Microsoft could not find footing. It's not like they suck and gave it a 1/2 ass attempt. Was it early? Probably.
I had a conversation with a Ar/Vr stakeholder recently and they said "Isn't manipulating 3d data on a 2d screen confusing and hard to wrap your head around?" and my answer was "Well actually no, not at all....I dont think it's strange to anyone who has ever played a game or used a computer really...given a few hours of training" As if people who manipulate 3d things on 2d screens have been screaming day in and day out "DAMN THIS 2D SCREEN!" I've been in CGI for my entire life, and i've never heard this take even once.
Another friend in the space said "Imagine going to the mall, and picking up a shirt and being informed that it's cheaper down at another store" I said....THE MALL?...are you serious? First of all Malls are dying, and you think someone is gonna wear a headset into a mall?
PLUS wouldn't I have already found out where the cheapest shirt was using "internet" and driven there specifically? What is this ridiculous use case?
We already know how wearing "headsets" out in the public eye works out...
soooooooooooooooooo,.........................I'm not sure! I think a lot of these developments are driven by people living in a specific bubble and who have forgotten how humans work while also forgetting recent history of such devices.
erics75218 t1_j4tvmiz wrote
Reply to comment by ZeeMastermind in Dutch Students using ChatGPT to finish homework; Teachers aren't noticing by Parking_Attitude_519
Not every essay matters that's all. I assume with or without AI we will still have English class. Because as you correctly point out, fundamentals are key.
But writing an essay on Tom Sawyer may be a thing of the past.
Maybe writing can be better taught via other creative expressions or some such.
Not everyone will be an author. And anyways, that kind of comprehension has always been at the mercy of the home more than the school.
This is a paper tiger that's all I'm saying. Non AI teachings didn't educate you on how to not end your responses with asshole comments. So I'm not sure it matters.
erics75218 t1_j4tnte1 wrote
Reply to Dutch Students using ChatGPT to finish homework; Teachers aren't noticing by Parking_Attitude_519
As if some teacher is so above the law smart. This feels of "You'll never have a calculator with you all the time!". Yeah well we will, and we do so.....
"Write me an essay to help me pass these useless classes" is a great advancement IMO!
Teachers are just scared they have no fucking idea what the hell this even is so they want to go book burning....out of fear, always the same. The Olds get scared, start scrambling to hold onto the past.
erics75218 t1_j0bwahk wrote
Reply to comment by saltyhasp in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
I thought I read that this order of mag...was a HUGE jump from the previous. This poster was staring this as an indicator of faster advancements over time.
So like 10 years to .2 then 5 to 1....2 to 2....1 to 3...?? The dream I guess
erics75218 t1_j6gqte1 wrote
Reply to comment by actuallyserious650 in ChatGPT is on its way to becoming a virtual doctor, lawyer, and business analyst. Here's a list of advanced exams the AI bot has passed so far. by rationalworld
Bingo. And people who matter when it comes to being a huge pain in AI's ass will never learn.
Don't like chatGTP responses...then just talk to Truth Socials FreedomBOT it that's been trained on Fox News Media. Lol.
Ground truth for human created historical documents, outside of scientific shit, probably doesn't exist?
Celeb birthdays are fun, there is souch BS out there about Celebrities that the results must be hilarious on occasion.