
t1_iugvitm wrote

If it helps - most if not all great narratives are based on the heroes journey archetype, which occurs in real life ALL THE TIME! Within each person, we are on a journey of ascension to higher iterations of ourselves and facing challenges, and as a collective we face immense challenges. We even face great 'evils' that, while not embodied in a single dark wizard, are very real threats to us all, and to our way of life (I am thinking racism, poverty, division, human rights abuses, excessive greed, etc).

While the stories are not exactly real, they are all metaphors for the grander journey of good versus evil, light versus dark, compassion and justice versus indifference and injustice. These battles are real and we all face a choice each day - take up arms for good or contribute to the dark with our inaction.

If you really wanna find real life implications for any of these stories in the world around us - look no further than climate change!! Substitute Voldemort and Sauron for climate change and you have a realistic battle with comparable stakes.

I hope this helps!!