
fiddlersgreen2021 t1_ixw7o5a wrote

This, it’s very easy to find out who owns property via the state’s parcel viewer online. I don’t post my property, but if I found someone setting up tree stands with out having the decency to ask permission or open a dialogue first, you can bet I’m asking them to leave. I’d say it’s that kind of scenario that gets land posted more often than not.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_ixqlxl0 wrote

Reply to Axe makers? by ultrabolic

Council tool isn’t in Vermont but they are American made and have several levels of finish for different prices. All fair and excellent axes.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iv2m4qb wrote

There is bitching whenever jones act waivers are signed for Puerto Rico because there isn’t a problem with shipping capacity on American bottoms. Most of Puerto Rico’s problems are in Puerto Rico. After the two big storms a couple years back Crowley had ships and barges stacked up with no way to get goods inland as the roads were gone.

Hawaii is another good example. There is nothing stopping hawaii from getting fuel on foreign ships, as long is it comes from foreign sources. This also happens on a regular basis. There is nothing stopping them from getting consumer goods via container on foreign flagged ships, aside from the fact that the harbors are too small, and they are way off the most efficient track for Asia to west coast traffic.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iv2cqd3 wrote

And secondly, Congress could fix this shit tomorrow by subsidizing the US merchant fleet like other major powers do with theirs. If they brought the cost online with building an LNG ship in Asia we could build several for Jones act work.

At the end of the day most developed countries have cabotage laws as a manner of national defense. If another country can control your coast wise trade via owning most of the shipping than you lack a key piece of national sovereignty.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iso5gr2 wrote

“nO oNE wAnTS tO WoRk AnYMoRe”

We’re in the best market for job seekers in decades, people leave for better opportunities. The pandemic saw a huge wave of retirements, mass exodus from service industries, and many public service jobs. People figured out that could work for themselves or finally took that leap to something better. Life is too short to work for dolts middle managers in track suits who spend their days trolling Reddit and commenting on the Vermont gone wild sub.