fitandhealthyguy t1_j4xj3pe wrote
Reply to comment by TheOwlDemonStolas in [OC] US Opioid overdose deaths from 1999 to 2018 by hcrx
Yeah. I only know because I was analyzing CDC mortality data the other day and it jumped out at me.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j4umt6g wrote
Reply to [OC] US Opioid overdose deaths from 1999 to 2018 by hcrx
If you think that is bad, you should look at 2020 through today.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j4fmtsp wrote
Reply to comment by LizzieButtons in Alzheimer’s tied to cholesterol, abnormal nerve insulation by D-R-AZ
It is a little complicated. ApoE transports cholesterol. The different isoforms have different abilities to bind cholesterol. ApoE2 is best, then ApoE3 with ApoE4 the worse but it still has some ability to bind and transport cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are low on the blood, ApoE4 might do an ok job but when cholesterol levels are higher, it can’t keep up. Also consider that there are heterozygotes (ApoE3/ApoE4) that fair better and homozygotes (ApoE4/ApoE4) that have the highest risk.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j4edhaq wrote
Reply to comment by LizzieButtons in Alzheimer’s tied to cholesterol, abnormal nerve insulation by D-R-AZ
It’s not a matter of expression of the gene. ApoE transports and helps to dispose of cholesterol. The ApoE4 subtype is not good at transporting and disposing of cholesterol so cholesterol builds up where it shouldn’t be. Reducing cholesterol through diet and exercise means less cholesterol for ApoE to act on - the ApoE4 is still defective, but there is less cholesterol to gum up the works.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1yrslh wrote
Reply to New study suggests that music and dance may have evolved (in part) to deter potential predators: these "highly synchronized visual and auditory displays" signal to the predator that a) they have been detected, and b) the targeted group can mount a well-coordinated defense. by fotogneric
I picture a bunch of hominids doing the thriller dance with spears and rocks
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1v9prn wrote
Reply to comment by mocha_sweetheart in Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
Do me a favor and walk from Chinatown to West Philly.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1v9l5v wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
It’s an anti-suburbanite take - somehow the only people that deserve to “use” the city are the people who live there. Doesn’t seem very equitable or inclusive.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1v8laz wrote
Reply to comment by 666vampiric in Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
This is true even though most of the people in those countries actually live within the cities. When you consider that in most US cities, most workers live outside of the city, you realize that this take is one of a city dweller who doesn’t consider non-city dwellers in their “plans”.
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1fucap wrote
Reply to comment by cashibonite in Despite improvements in insulin formulations and delivery over the last 30 years, diabetes control has not improved among US adults, and disparities for minority and uninsured adults worsens by Ordinarymangodoctor
If it comes in a can, I don’t eat it.
fitandhealthyguy t1_ixm2y0x wrote
Reply to comment by dr_eh in Researchers have found that lab mice are more likely to survive a flu infection if they are fed grain-based foods rather than processed food: after being infected with influenza, all of those fed the highly processed diet died, all the other have recovered by giuliomagnifico
A zero calorie inorganic snack
fitandhealthyguy t1_ixlns88 wrote
Reply to comment by AdminsAreLazyID10TS in Researchers have found that lab mice are more likely to survive a flu infection if they are fed grain-based foods rather than processed food: after being infected with influenza, all of those fed the highly processed diet died, all the other have recovered by giuliomagnifico
Would you like some silicon puffs?
fitandhealthyguy t1_ivbcxr4 wrote
Realize that it takes about 10 years to go through clinical trials. Basic research leading up to clinical trials for a drug can take decades. Nobody is seriously researching anti-aging drugs in a clinical research setting because the FDA is unlikely to approve a drug strictly for anti-aging.
fitandhealthyguy t1_jaastru wrote
Reply to I have no offramp, and I must scream by Cabadrin
I’m the guns of the Navarrone - 90 is the bane of my existence.