
forgedbygeeks t1_iyb1gfp wrote

You do know the goal is eventually to be allowed in the US and allowed to participate in society right?

Also, real life isn't a Hollywood movie. It's not usually just 1 spy that gets stuff done. They pass materials through layers to try and obscure who actually stole something before delivery to the government they are spying for. Even a fake asylum seeker could play a road in helping a government.


forgedbygeeks t1_iya2pov wrote

So, for starters, this is no different that what is happening to anyone who gets caught crossing the border illegally, but suddenly its an issue because the people fleeing are from Russia?

We should definitely have a discussion about detention conditions and treatment of refugees, but it is kind of sickening that it takes a white couple from Russia to get a multi-page sob story about this when thousands of couples experience this exact circumstance every month and are instead treated as terrorists and invaders by the media.

Going further, Russia has a vested interest in getting more spies into the US right now. Just as an opening argument, I would fully expect anyone from Russia crossing and seeking asylum to be heavily scrutinized and detained initially while their stories and background are thoroughly investigated and validated.