foul_dwimmerlaik t1_ja52nxe wrote
Reply to comment by 14th_Eagle in 4,500-year-old Sumerian temple dedicated to mighty thunder god discovered in Iraq. by Rifletree
No, the Sumerians were not at all Indo-European.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_j615q9g wrote
Reply to comment by JackFunk in TIL of Complex PTSD, which arises from prolonged, inescapable trauma (like child abuse/neglect, sex trafficking, or solitary confinement). It's hard to spot & treat, and can last a lifetime. Victims have a diminished sense of self, and issues with trust, boundaries, cognition, motor skills, & more. by Pfeffer_Prinz
In trauma-based therapy, you learn to re-parent yourself, being the parent you didn't have.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_j2fhulw wrote
Reply to comment by OctopusGoesSquish in TIL a "bum gun" is a type of bidet that resembles a garden hose with a hand-spray nozzle. They're so commonly found in Thailand (both Western-style and squat toilets) that politicians were outraged upon learning their parliamentary building didn't have what some refer to as "ass blasters". by Torley_
Oh, I love cold water on my B-Hole.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_j22dbrk wrote
Reply to comment by FartOfGenius in TIL the original 1881 "Pinocchio" was a dark story that included the puppet's execution by hanging for his bad behavior (which included murdering Jiminy Cricket) by foodtower
If you look at the handwritten drafts, it’s very clear that the part about her becoming a spirit of the air who can earn a soul was tacked on at the last minute.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_iwnybu3 wrote
Reply to comment by ibettershutupagain in Psychopathic tendencies are associated with an elevated interest in fire, study finds by chrisdh79
The original comment refers to the MacDonald Triad, a cluster of traits that supposedly has predictive power as to whether or not a child will grow up to be a murderous psychopath.
The sad part is that bed-wetting is often a signifier of sexual abuse in children, not psychopathy.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_ithpanw wrote
Reply to comment by DWright_5 in I just read The Silmarilion and I am speechless. by Tenorius
Nope, though that’s also a great book.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_ithp747 wrote
Reply to comment by Slave35 in I just read The Silmarilion and I am speechless. by Tenorius
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_itgvvej wrote
Reply to comment by pierzstyx in I just read The Silmarilion and I am speechless. by Tenorius
He occupies the same narrative space as Sauron (keeping Beren in his dungeons/kitchen to be rescued by Luthien and Huan) so I think it counts. It’s just too funny an idea.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_itf3l9c wrote
Reply to comment by Jealous-Ambassador-8 in I just read The Silmarilion and I am speechless. by Tenorius
The Fall of Gondolin is epic.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_itf36ea wrote
Great! Now you can start on the Book of Lost Tales I and II and learn all about first-draft Sauron, who was a giant demonic housecat.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_it7otou wrote
Reply to comment by HercUlysses in Is building dams a learned behaviour for beavers? by Snoo-82132
This has actually been debunked. Monkeys raised in labs are not instinctively afraid of snakes.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_ir3g11k wrote
Reply to comment by regular_modern_girl in How do scientists determine what genes are responsible for certain traits/attributes? by [deleted]
Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, is another commonly used model organism for genetics, and several Drosophila geneticists have won a Nobel for their efforts.
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_ja52rtd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 4,500-year-old Sumerian temple dedicated to mighty thunder god discovered in Iraq. by Rifletree
It's "Sumer," not "Sumeria." And the S is pronounced as an "Sh."