
foxh8er t1_j21zykb wrote

Counterpart Season 1 was exceptional but marred by a terrible (imho) season 2. Condor's season 2 was so hard to find I can't really fault it for not living up to the first season. It did at least do the spy craft in an interesting way.

Slow Horses season 1 was painful for me. I get that they're all incompetent but it ends up being extremely irritating. This season is better so far but I'm an episode or two out of date.


foxh8er t1_j21ybnl wrote

Better than Season 2, but that's a low bar. Action and acting were pretty great, but the plot made no sense. The Czech Presidency is ceremonial! There's multiple countries between Czechia and Russia! A Russian president would never behave rationally! etc etc