
frecklestwin t1_itv8mqc wrote

I’ve (26F) lived in Richmond my whole life. Others have already talked about crime, so I’ll just talk about what VCU is like.

I work at VCU Monroe Campus, take my lunches in Monroe Park and spend a lot of time in the Cabell Library. Day-to-day, the VCU campus is very chill. People mind their business. There are people of all types just chilling, everyone is friendly and respectful. The only altercation I’ve personally seen is some random guy being a dick to a college student about her dog in the park (for literally no reason), and I swear every other female within 30 feet was ready to back her up. VCU takes security seriously.

I’ve never moved internationally, but I have moved to Orlando for a couple semesters, and it’s really anxiety inducing! You’re not alone and your anxiety is valid. I wish you all the best in your upcoming travels! Welcome to RVA!