Submitted by t3_ye0fsb in rva

I’m an international college student who’s planning to attend VCU the upcoming semester. I joined this subreddit a while ago and all of the talks about shootings, speeding, and chaos around the city is scaring the 💩 out of me before I even arrive.

To my Richmond people, what are dangerous neighborhoods/places to avoid to go to/live at? Do you think there is a lot of racism going around or everyone is kinda minding their own business? Is there anything I should be knowing before I arrive, or mentally prepare for?

Ya girl is traveling across the globe carrying her severe anxiety with her luggage. Please type anything that you think would be helpful🙏.



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t1_itvjr9g wrote

Give it 6 months and you'll be wearing doc martins and smoking blunts in some shit hole student apartment in jackson ward like with other edgy VCU kids musing on the bums you saw at the kroger on lombardy.

No stress, welcome to america!


OP t1_itvlrta wrote



t1_ity755z wrote

It's honestly a great time lol (and you don't have to smoke, but I would recommend the doc martens, they're solid shoes!)

I'm in Jackson Ward and love it btw. Just don't stop walking when people hassel you on the street and always keep track of your drink at parties and you'll be fine!


t1_itzrbyf wrote

Doc Marten’s have unfortunately really dropped in quality over the last several years.


t1_iu1f0lk wrote

You don't have to smoke.... you also don't need to get a bunch of tattoos... but this is Richmond after all.


t1_itv6a5v wrote

Random crime is very rare. In any city most crime is between people who know each other. If you’re not involved in shady drug deals you don’t have much to worry about.


OP t1_itvhtjo wrote

Thanks for the helpful advice 🏃🏻‍♀️……….🍃 🔫


t1_itvthop wrote

As a woman, you just need to be smart. It’s a city like any other. Don’t walk at night by yourself. Be cautious at parties and go with a group. Don’t leave with anyone you don’t know. Just use common sense safety and you should be fine.


t1_itwmyou wrote

Don't give money to anyone who walks up to you asking for money . They might just try to grab your whole wallet.


t1_itxzasa wrote

Do not stop if anyone asks you for anything. Put the earbuds in and keep going.


t1_itx4tq8 wrote

Good answer. Do make sure all of your drug deals are on the up and up.


t1_itvdumu wrote

I've lived all over the country, and traveled the world. Richmond isn't bad at all. The reason you're seeing posts here about crime etc, is because most of those events are the exception rather than the rule. Their uniqueness makes them worthy of comment. Use a reasonable level of caution, learn the city, if something seems unsafe don't go there or do that thing, don't go clubbing solo and get smashed, use your turn signals, don't throw things at the cops, respect the possums. You'll be good.


OP t1_itvl7un wrote

I’m taking notes📝. Also, I’m just curious, what are other places you’ve been to?


t1_itvx3n0 wrote

In the states I've lived in, southern and central California, (including LA), Alaska, Chicago, upstate NY, Seattle, Mississippi (don't recommend), northern VA, Norfolk, Richmond. A few random places for short amounts of time, as well as two multi-month long cross country trips by RV.

Internationally: Prague for a month, Paris, all over Romania, a brief stop in London, a month in Egypt, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Vancouver BC. When flying internationally, if I can, I try and extend my layovers to a day or two so I can scope out the nearest city. So I've had a bunch of little stops in between.

Where in the world are you coming from?


OP t1_itw69gs wrote

Woah that’s a lot of places. I think it’s interesting how much you could learn by visiting different spots around the world, even if it’s for a short while.

In the states, I lived in Pennsylvania for around four years with my family, one year in Savannah, GA, and less than a year in Blacksburg, VA.

Richmond will be my first experience living alone, that’s why I’m a bit worried this time.

I’m from Saudi Arabia, specifically Jeddah. You should come by and visit!


t1_itwk44r wrote

It’s all perspective- I would feel much less safe as a woman in Saudi Arabia than even walking through the roughest parts of town, though if you’re accustomed to having company wherever you go, I’m sure that will be an adjustment. I remember when I was in college I had a friend on my floor whose armed security guards hugged her goodbye and when we went out to get a burger that night she was terrified since she had spent her whole life with armed security. She adjusted too! Was out there taking shots of warm liquor in strangers houses with the rest of us in short order.


t1_itz6v0n wrote

Wut...armed security. Was this person royalty?


t1_itzb6mc wrote

Powerful Mexican family, I didn’t ask questions about what kind of business they were in


t1_itwzeiy wrote

Looking at the crime statistics for Saudi Arabia as a whole demonstrates just how different the legal system is. This is complete conjecture, but I've got a feeling that the type of crime you're likely to encounter here will be vastly different than you would see in Saudi Arabia, or at least more varied.

In my opinion, having exposure to as many cultures as possible, through travel, should be a requirement for being human. I've gained a lot of both empathy, and respect for humans as a whole because of my travels.

With you having experience in the states already, you won't have a problem at all. The biggest adjustment is just going to be the living alone thing. And there are going to be a lot of people at VCU dealing with the same thing. Develop a support network of friends and you'll be golden.

Oh, and hang around here. There are a lot of cool people that know wtf is going on here. Usually.

Welcome to Richmond!


OP t1_itxl9mf wrote

Yeah, our crimes here are a bit…. unique. Two men bombed themselves five minutes away from my house this month, and a masked drunk guy opened the car door and pointed a gun AND a knife at the same time at my sister.

I will definitely be checking this subreddit for upcoming events and crazy news. Thank you for your welcoming and providing all this information to me. It really helps :)


t1_iu01pul wrote

Shit, if that’s what you’re used to seeing, I have no idea why you’d be scared of Richmond.

I’ve lived here for 12 years and I have never felt unsafe as far as shootings or stabbings or other crimes, if you don’t go looking for trouble chances are it won’t find you. The only time I’ve ever felt unsafe was that I was probably roofied, by someone I know.

Lock your doors, don’t leave anything valuable in your car because it will get broken into, pay attention to your drinks, be aware of your surroundings, and you’ll be fine.


OP t1_iu0gw4a wrote

Tbh, I’m scared of the fact that if something bad happens to me or I don’t return home when I’m supposed to, no one would ever know. I’m worried that if I need immediate help, no one could come and provide it. I don’t know a lot about the U.S. system and what rights I have. If I ever report something would it be taken as serious as when it comes from a U.S. citizen? That kind of stuff.


t1_itw2r3y wrote

There's also more posts than normal because you have a huge influx of recent transplants posting about stuff people from here are just used to. This sub has really turned into Next Door in the last year or so.


t1_itv8mqc wrote

I’ve (26F) lived in Richmond my whole life. Others have already talked about crime, so I’ll just talk about what VCU is like.

I work at VCU Monroe Campus, take my lunches in Monroe Park and spend a lot of time in the Cabell Library. Day-to-day, the VCU campus is very chill. People mind their business. There are people of all types just chilling, everyone is friendly and respectful. The only altercation I’ve personally seen is some random guy being a dick to a college student about her dog in the park (for literally no reason), and I swear every other female within 30 feet was ready to back her up. VCU takes security seriously.

I’ve never moved internationally, but I have moved to Orlando for a couple semesters, and it’s really anxiety inducing! You’re not alone and your anxiety is valid. I wish you all the best in your upcoming travels! Welcome to RVA!


t1_itvao2c wrote

To add, there are a lot of international students at VCU and in my fifteen years of living in RVA I've never seen them treated differently than anyone else.


OP t1_itvdhq0 wrote

Thanks for the help! It’s really comforting to hear that girls stand up for other girls🥰. Hopefully I will adapt quickly and perceive Richmond as my new “home.”


t1_itwczd3 wrote

You will, like it or not. I moved here to just get away from my hometown for a little bit and.... well that was 12 years ago. Richmond is a great place to be in your 20's, just the amazing bar and restaurant scene alone is enough to keep you busy and happy


t1_itv4p7u wrote

Don’t go to or visit any neighborhood in Richmond that ends in ‘Court’


t1_itvjb37 wrote

Especially Shafer


t1_itw21d8 wrote

Cmon man, Hibbs was insultingly bad. There's no way a VCU executive could ever eat at Hibbs (the previous one) and think "this is acceptable", it was like wet eggs and shit. Shafer is fine.


t1_itw7nlz wrote

I used to eat in Hibbs, now I run is lightyears better.


t1_itw7kd3 wrote

Shafer is fine. Hibbs was really bad. Menu has been revamped over last couple years and food is good now.


t1_itvy7kj wrote

When I first moved here, I treated Mosby like a safari smh… the road was blocked off and ppl were arguing.


t1_itv90nw wrote

As a fellow female I hear you, I see you. We navigate the world with a different set of goggles than our male counterparts, especially depending on where you come from.

VCU campus itself, during normal business hours, is relatively very safe. Primary student housing areas are going to be filled with other college kids and you should feel comfortable most of the time. The exception would be like your post 10 pm hours. There are rougher neighborhoods that at points butt up against the VCU perimeter and in the later hours you just need to be more aware of your surroundings. Honestly like any other major metro/city area later at night. VCU is a downtown campus so its not like going to college in a suburban or rural/small town and it comes with the city pros and cons. There is a lot of great food and drink options and plenty of active social life for college students. I think you might be most comfortable getting in a shared housing situation rather than living alone (ie renting a room in a house of other VCU females) close to campus. When you go out at night try to do so with at least a small group vs walking alone, that kind of thing


t1_itv9fvq wrote

I don’t think people here realize what women have to deal with just walking the city. You are increasing your chance of getting harassed drastically. I’ve been harassed maybe 2-3 times in 28 years and my wife got harassed the same amount within her first 3 months here.


t1_itx2vb9 wrote

That’s not just walking around the city, that’s being a woman anywhere. I’ve been harassed in a suburban YMCA by a swim team dad, in a rural gas station by an old man, in a country restaurant by a couple of local trades workers, etc. being a woman makes you a target everywhere, all the time.


OP t1_itvf1in wrote

Thanks for the response❤️. I read a lot about the good aspects of the city which is why I chose it over any other place in the U.S. I come from a city too, so hopefully that will help with my experience in Richmond.


t1_itvfww8 wrote

I alsondeal with high anxiety that is very focused on safety. As an example, I have never been anxious walking through Carytown with just 1 friend, or visiting the Jefferson hotel with a single companion. When I am in the city even in evenings, with my husband, I feel safe. I havent really been street harassed. But if its just me running to a shop on my own, midday, I really pay attention to whats between where I park and the shop door to decide where to park.

You will see a lot of "graffiti" here but also a lot of commissioned murals. So don't assume every painted wall is vandalism. We also have like top 3 in the country "tattoos per capita" so a heavily tattooed individual means honestly nothing in terms of their association. I have a friend who is director level at a fortune 500 company here in town with 2 full sleeves of tattoos. And he leads worship band at his church.

So some of your usual markers may not be true danger flags. But stay alert. Make it obvious you are paying attention to your surroundings, and again, travel with companions after dark when able.


OP t1_itvksi5 wrote

I’ve dealt with a lot of street harassments from my city, but most times,I ignore the catcalling and find a way to get out of the situation. It really sucks. Also, I’m majoring in visual arts! So every time I see murals or graffiti art, I stand there and admire it and never question wether if it’s vandalism or not lol. I’m sure I will see some interesting characters in the art department with tattoos and dyed hairs. That will sure get me used to not judge people by their looks.


t1_itvo855 wrote

Richmond is the third most tattooed city in America. You won't just see tattoos in the art department, you'll see them on moms and dads with their babies in the grocery store! A few of your professors probably have them. You'll see so many tattooed people you'll stop noticing!


OP t1_itvoxws wrote

That sounds so cool! I myself consider getting a tattoo during my time there. Do you have any places to recommend?


t1_itvqhqd wrote

Since we have so many tattoo shops with good reputations, it really depends a lot on what style you want and what your budget is. I'd say to budget at least $300 for a small one that is good. (This includes tip)

If you like anime or cute things, Black Rabbit Tattoo's girls are awesome. Salvation Tattoo is right on campus and all their artists are incredibly talented, they do more traditional and neotraditional. Just search "tattoo" in this sub and you'll get lots of recs!


t1_itvqsw2 wrote

All of mine are from All for One near campus, they do Friday the 13th flash tattoos for $13 ($20 with tip). So January 13, plan for it lol


t1_itw5uk7 wrote

i’ve had work done by two amazing artists at Salvation Tattoo, love the pieces.


t1_itv574j wrote

Reddit city subs always talk about the worst of a city. If you have street smarts you'll likely be fine. Taking the same precautions you'd take anywhere will do a lot for you. You're going to vcu and living on campus or in the vicinity of campus so I'd be surprised if you end up in a "dangerous" neighborhood.

Also keep in mind bad things can happen anywhere.


t1_itw3nyj wrote

I’m an international student that moved to RVA for work post-grad. The sentiments I initially received were pretty similar but almost 3 months in I’m absolutely loving the place. It’s basically a nature-filled, artsy, small big city (as compared to similar places like Norfolk or NOVA). Honestly, in terms of crime, I’ve haven’t experienced anything yet and definitely felt more unsafe in DC than in RVA. You’ll be fine here. As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t go out looking for trouble, trouble probably won’t go looking for you.


t1_itv5avn wrote

Welcome in advance to RVA!

Generally, the city and suburbs are safe. You likely won't be staying or visiting places where crime is typically concentrated, e.g., public housing or the edges of the city/suburbia where things are more challenging for residents. You probably won't be visiting suburban-rural areas where folk don't often see much diversity (if at all), either. As long as you're in/around the VCU campus and student housing, you should be OK!

Just know that Richmond and the RVA region is a pretty large place—there are 1.3 million people in the metropolitan area. We have some racist folk and we have crime, just like any other city and state in the country, but that definitely doesn't make up a majority of the folk here.

Your perspective is (understandably) focused when you come to one single place (like this subreddit) and read scaremongering stories in a single, concentrated feed in such a short time.

Good luck and safe travels!


t1_itvelck wrote

Out of many of the cities I have lived in RVA is the least racist


t1_itx0n2t wrote

This is generally true about us as a demographic group. We also have like radical anti-racist groups (e.g., IWW, ASH) that are well known to throwdown with any of those idiots when they come to town. The bigger issue imo is that Richmond attracts the stupid white supremacist groups as lifestyle protestors/tourists - they view Richmond as a white racist Mecca or at least an important symbol of their ideology.

But generally as others have indicated - the experience of most people is to just not go near these idiots - that works most of the time! Hopefully the final defeat of the statues will change this aspect.


t1_itv6af7 wrote

It's a delightful city, but it is a city. Use your common sense and you'll be fine. Welcome to Richmond!


OP t1_itvdvvq wrote

Thank you! I’m coming from a city too, so I think that would help.


t1_itvekaz wrote

Yup you'll be fine then. Just don't be like the other VCU students staring at their phones instead of paying attention to traffic when crossing the street and you'll be ok!


t1_itv90bc wrote

Don’t engage with strangers on the street. Richmond isn’t a warzone, but it also isn’t as safe as some people on here make it out to be. Nothing good happens after Midnight. The fan/Scott’s addition/ museum district are all pretty safe. Shockoe bottom is not safe, despite the weird amount of recommendations to live down there. Downtown is dead at night and kinda sketchy if it’s very late. Don’t go to any neighborhood ending in “Court”.


OP t1_itvdqzt wrote

Got it. Back to my dorm by 11 pm🫡


t1_itvf61g wrote

If you are out after 12, I would just be with a group of people. It isn’t some guarantee something bad is going to happen to you, but it definitely increases risk.


t1_itvkctd wrote

>I joined this subreddit a while ago and all of the talks about shootings, speeding, and chaos around the city is scaring the 💩 out of me before I even arrive.

A lot of the folks here grew up here, and Richmond has had a pretty rocky history with crime. Times change, and so do cities with growth. People unfortunately don't change their viewpoints at the same rate, and have archaic opinions about this city.

Richmond is a city (with small town minded locals), cities have poverty driven crime, and that certainly exists here. However, present day RVA is fine. Crime exists in all other cities. Having lived in other metro areas much larger than this one, Richmond is plenty safe for anyone who isn't trying to partake in the degenerate lifestyle. Most of the violent crime here is heavily concentrated.

If you live here and have good city situational awareness, you'll be totally fine. Campus has the same crime issues as any other urban campus, mostly crime of opportunity like theft etc.


t1_ity95f6 wrote

You must be new here, in the early 2000s this place was off the rails in terms of crime. Most of broad was boarded up, even by lowes. In the fan it was somewhat dangerous.


t1_iu0hewd wrote

Late 90s rva had more murders per capita than any city in America. I think Memphis has had it since


t1_itvpn2l wrote

It's not as terrifying as this subreddit makes it sound, this is just where all the bad/scary/crazy news and experiences tend to get concentrated- there's plenty of awesomeness to balance it out.

If you ever want somewhere to sunbathe on a nice day, check out the VMFA (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts) lawn. Sometimes there are a lot of people there but the atmosphere varies from quiet/peaceful/beautiful to busy/entertaining/beautiful. The Best Cafe inside the museum has food and drink you can take on the lawn as well, or sit on the patio, definitely not cheap but most museum cafes are at least a little overpriced.

My only word of warning: don't assume cars will stop at a pedestrian crosswalk unless they have a red light, even then you can't always trust people to stop.


OP t1_itvrunl wrote

That sounds wonderful! I will definitely pay a visit and do my best to not get hit on my way there lol.


t1_itvy1ky wrote

Avoid Creighton, Mosby, Franklin, Shockoe, and Exxon near the hospital at night and you’ll be fine…


t1_itweffh wrote

Shockoe before midnight is fine. If you’re there when the crowd control barricades are going up, you might want to think twice about your motivations for being there.


t1_itxtixs wrote

Really wish somebody could pull up and interview those guys at Exxon and share it on vice or something… it would be great content


t1_itxvyog wrote

I just moved to Shockoe, it’s an okay area. Lots of traffic. But last week my work mates and I went out to the bars across the way, I was not expecting police barricades and the crowd. They told me about the Exxon and what’s happened around there. Definitely not a good area to walk alone at 2am. It was very intense with all the people and cops.


t1_itvw00u wrote

I am a female as well as foreigner, not white with thick accent who lived for 5 years there I had experienced racism in Rva. There is no way to avoid it. So, I am just giving you a heads up. Good luck and I hope you will enjoy RVA.


OP t1_itvx71r wrote

I’m sorry that you went through all of that :( . I have an accent too, and my speech sounds very unclear, even to me sometimes. Hopefully it will improve by practice during my time there. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?


t1_itwz0fc wrote

Thank you for your kind words. You should not feel self conscious about your accent. Speaking every day will help you improve. I am from Brazil. Where are you from? I should add that I noticed these types of incidents happened greatly during the pandemic. I am not sure how things are this year since I moved out this summer.


t1_itv9dz7 wrote

Are you just here for a semester, in University housing? You're 99.9% safe from violent crime, as long as you use some common sense (though common sense is different from country to country, I find!).

Where are you coming from, if I may ask?


OP t1_itvg1yh wrote

If there is a spot, I will be living in dorms. If not, I would have to look for an off-campus housing. I come from Saudi Arabia, specifically a city called Jeddah. We see some wild stuff here, but idk how that would compare to Richmond yet. I’ll defiantly be making a vin diagram of the two cities once I arrive there lol.


t1_itvgy76 wrote

Ah, cool. I actually have an acquaintance from Jedda. He's a sci-fi author, and joked about Jeddah from the Star Wars universe. He's actually getting one of my books translated into Arabic.


OP t1_itvibn1 wrote

That’s so coool! Do you think there is a lot of Arabs in Richmond?


t1_itvnodk wrote

There are but VCU specifically has a decent Kuwaiti population at least in my experience, met a lot of them that stayed in or around the John Marshall downtown.


t1_itvsqxq wrote

I recommend buying a pepper spray. I had one all through college and never used it, but it's always good to have. You can get them at lots of places and they're legal to have and carry. Again you probably WON'T ever have to use it, but defense is good!

I also recommend getting a bicycle! You can get to places faster and a bit safer. For instance I rarely had issues at the infamous Lombardy Kroger because I was always in/out fast on my bike. Biking is also free and nice exercise :) and make sure to get a bike lock of course too.

I recommend avoiding going over the river into Manchester area alone, or at night, or on foot. The James is right there which is popular housing, but the area really isn't great at all. It's trying to come up but it hasn't yet.

As someone from Saudi Arabia you are probably more likely to experience racism further out in certain suburbs, particularly if you are hijabi, but there are assholes all over the world and I wouldn't say it's "worse" here. Richmond is really diverse.


OP t1_itvvp2j wrote

I was thinking of buying a pepper spray and a bike too, especially that I’m a freshman with no driver’s license🥲. Do bikes have their own lanes in some streets, or should I always use the sidewalks?


t1_itvxw0z wrote

I used sidewalks but that's sometimes considered an asshole move. I just had a beach cruiser bike which was not really suited for roads, and did not bike on very populated sidewalks (for instance I'd never bike in Carytown). If a normally unpopulated sidewalk was populated, I'd get off and walk the bike. (and still avoided most hassling)

Some roads have bike lanes, how well they are maintained and how well people pay attention really varies.

It really just depends on you being polite and aware of yourself and the space you're taking up.


t1_itvosig wrote

I went to VCU and lived in Rhodes Hall my first year. Biggest suggestion I can make is travel in a group after dark. People are less likely to hassle you in a group, plus then if they do you have backup.


t1_itwrv1n wrote

Look for international student groups. When I was at ODU they had an amazing "Foreigners Club", most members ended up living together, working together on graduate projects, a bunch of couples formed and got married, and they threw the best parties 😉.


t1_itvm772 wrote

You'll be fine. I've seen the worst parts of the city (I'm a native) and for the most part if you just mind your business ppl won't give you any serious problems. Yes there are a few mean & crazy ppl... but you find that anywhere. But the vast majority of people are chill. At the end of the day richmond is a fast-growing destination for young families for a reason. Just don't be stupid and don't try to be something that you're not... that's usually when bad things start to happen.


t1_itwe0qm wrote

Very little of the violence and crime in Richmond is random.

If you don’t fuck somebody’s partner or spouse, or blatantly disrespect a person, you’ll be absolutely fine.


t1_itwhx3z wrote

It’s a great place to live but it’s still a city. Avoid walking places late night alone, don’t leave stuff like laptops or phones laying around in public eye, don’t leave your car parked somewhere dark and not in eye shot of multiple people, and walk around like you know where you’re headed. Overall it’s a great place to live and I prefer it way more then suburban living. Have fun and enjoy yourself while you’re here.


t1_itwofn9 wrote

I've worked in Richmond (live outside though) for like 20 years now, never had a problem once. Occasional crack head walking around being weird, but they generally don't make any trouble.


t1_itwu7y8 wrote

I feel you OP! As a gal who grew up in the city of Richmond safety was a large concern starting when I was old enough to run around town without adult supervision.

When I first moved out and left my neighborhood I found crime maps helpful to visualize where serious bad stuff was happening (homicide, robbery, assault, etc).

The map I've linked above will show you crimes reported. You can zoom in on Richmond and then filter by particular types of crime.
Please keep in mind that bad stuff happens everywhere. I try not to let it scare me into living a less vibrant life - but DO be aware of your surroundings, practice general street safety, stick with a buddy when appropriate (late at night walking around), don't engage with strangers in risky environments, and find some solid friends that you can share your location with who will follow up if you don't come home when expected etc.

You've got this! Welcome to Richmond and I hope you have a blast!


t1_itxlioo wrote

Like any major US city, don't walk alone at night if you don't have to, and don't ever in an unfamiliar place. It's really not that bad here.


t1_ity0si5 wrote

Stay south of Broad st, north of 195 and west of 14/15th Street you'll be fine and traveling in groups isnt a bad idea. Also most of the people outside of gas stations asking for help aren't gonna cause actual issues they just want a few bucks. I'm not a VCU student (too expensive) but I was born and raised here. If you're looking for welcoming people and ideas of where to go check out the restaurant Joe's Inn and anything in the "devils triangle" people in those areas are super friendly and really like showing off neat spots to people unfamiliar with RVA.

Only visit Scotts Addition if you have money to burn ( it's where all the rich kids tend to gravitate). The food is good but the people that have recently gentrified that neighborhood are the worst type of entitled.



t1_itydisk wrote

Trust me it’s just a hot topic here. If you didn’t look at this subreddit you probably won’t notice them happening at all. Esp if you’re on campus.


t1_iu0983i wrote

Don't worry about it. You will encounter neither racism nor dangerous crime unless you go out of your way to find it.


t1_itvpnny wrote

I (30F) grew up in the Richmond area and went to VCU as a student. As others have said, the campus is in the middle of the city, so as with any city environment it safest to be careful and watchful especially at night, but I never felt particularly unsafe while in the city. As far as the racism, I never experienced any overt racism as a Black woman on campus, but there were occasions that I felt uncomfortable because I was one of maybe 3-4 Black kids in a class of over 100 (I was an engineering major)


t1_itvqnd0 wrote

Hello I'm a immigrant to,I came here almost 2 and half years ago,I used to live in the fan Wich is pretty close from VCU,I used to walk to monroe park or grace at where the restaurants are. I feel like if you cross broad st Wich starts shackoe bottom it might be a sketchy area to be at...same for VCU area after day time I don't recommend walking alone as a women I always make sure someone walked home with me. But Richmond it's a beautiful city and people are really nice if you walk past them they will smile at you or say hi at least (something that in my home country would never happen)


t1_itvrcp5 wrote

Dude, this city is really tame. Every American city subreddit is full of this sort of stuff.


t1_itw1te3 wrote

You'll be fine. If you are at Monroe Park campus, live in the fan, it's safe as hell and you can walk to campus

If you are the med school campus, safest place is probably tobacco row apartments area or a house in church hill south of Broad street. Can't walk from here but can take the bus and the 8-5 crew is normal working class people (even outside of that I don't think it's dangerous, just less working professionals)

Welcome to America and Richmond!


OP t1_itw7ht4 wrote

Thank you for your welcoming! I’ll be in Monroe Park campus, and what do you mean by “the fan?”


t1_itw8x9t wrote

There is very little violent crime around or near VCU. It's pretty highly concentrated in areas that you won't have any reason to go to. Even if you did go to those areas, if you don't draw attention to yourself you'd probably be fine. You'll learn where those areas are really quickly.

Living in the VCU area, I'd say make sure you don't leave anything that you value in the open or unattended or it will get stolen. Don't leave valuables in your car and always lock your car. Always lock your doors. If you have any nice electronics make sure they aren't visible to anyone walking by. Lots of petty theft.


t1_itw93h0 wrote

Just stay away from the courts at 2am and you’ll be good


t1_itw9ld4 wrote

Richmond is not bad at all. I’ve done my fair of traveling and lives in LA. It’s a city, you’re going to come across sketchy people, but random crime is rare. Just be smart and keep your head on a swivel.


t1_itwafvl wrote

The people I meet in Richmond are some of the nicest in the country and I've been all over.

Sometimes people are a little too chill.

It's not a very scary place.

When you get here, people at school will be more than happy to guide you too.


t1_itwj2hi wrote

a lot of the speeding and chaos is at night, just use city common sense and you'll be fine


t1_itwoabh wrote

Has anyone ever gone online to vent about how safe they feel or how everyone is observing the posted speed limit? It's the internet, and people post when they're angry or upset. I've lived in Richmond 40 years, haven't been the victim of a violent crime, and quite frankly wish that drivers would be more aggressive. It makes me insane to sit at a four way stop while everybody stares at each other. I don't care who has the right of way -- if everyone is going to sit there I'm going to go.


t1_itwqxun wrote

Richmond is pretty safe - one of the safer places I’ve lived. If you keep your circle of friends good and stay away from shady people, you have nothing to worry about.

Also, I used to be a student at VCU and worked with VCU Globe a lot with the international students. DM if you have any questions!


t1_itxf1br wrote

I've lived in RVA for about a year, a few blocks from VCU campus. With taking reasonable precautions and keeping alert, I've never had a major problem. And I walk to and from work, about 15 mins each way, occasionally late at night. Something could always happen, I know I'm not immune to that, but like others have said most crime happens between people who are known to each other, not random strangers.


t1_itxjf7k wrote

I live in Richmond, it's a lot of big talk. Most of us a fine. Stay in the west end if you're scared. There are good and bad parts everywhere. Don't be afraid.


t1_itxm9f7 wrote

I’ve lived all over the world: some fully developed countries, some third world countries, and a combat zone. Richmond is phenomenal and is still my favorite. We have rough parts like any city, but it’s truly lovely. The people are friendly, albeit a bit cliquish. The festivals, food, bars, and live music are fun. The beach and mountains aren’t far on either direction. You’re going to be just fine.


OP t1_itxpr74 wrote

Ah, you taught me a new word, “cliquish.” This is the first time I hear it. And thanks for your response. A part of why I chose Richmond is because of it’s geographical place. I will definitely enjoy my time with nature as much as I would with people!


t1_itxw1kh wrote

I love VCU and the surrounding area. Use the same judgement you would in any city and you will be fine! If you have questions about the school or area let me know, would be happy to help. What will you be studying? Art school grad here!


OP t1_itzst8t wrote

I’ll also be going to VCUArt and major in communication arts :D. I will reach out to you once I have more questions to ask. Thanks for offering help :)


t1_itzgfat wrote

I know a girl from jeddah that lives in the west end. great person. could give you her contact info. im sure she would love to chat.


t1_iu4xxuv wrote

30F, graduated VCU in 2013, moved back and lived in both areas people like to scare talk about - first next to the Exxon/McDonalds in Shockoe and now in Manchester.

Campus is extremely safe and only getting safer, you'll be ok, the fan is where you'll probably end up living as it's kind of the default for students and it's also pretty chill. You'll be good, the shady areas are pretty obvious but also honestly not that bad, it's just when something happens people get loud. All in all, welcome! Be chatty and open and you'll make friends easy here, and good luck with your studies!


t1_iu87rtm wrote

I lived here my whole life and never had an issue besides one time someone tried to steal my motorcycle.

  1. don’t be walking around at 2am, ifs a city with lots of different types of people. Some good, some bad.

  2. lock your car.

  3. Richmond is very progressive but it was the capital of the confederacy so there is racism. The old southerns hold onto that shit, it’s ridiculous.

Don’t let the subreddit scare you, RVA is awesome tans you’re gonna love it


t1_itvhnmf wrote

You will be ok!! Just keep basic smarts like don’t walk alone at night, try to be in groups, don’t be on your cell phone and be alert to your surroundings. The crimes that actually happen to students are mostly petty robbery, nothing too crazy. The general campus area is a mix of students and city so there are definitely homeless people etc but you will be fine! Just be smart. I loved my time at VCU and stuck to the above rules and I was perfectly fine and safe. I would also say do not walk with headphones in, it puts a target on your back. Come and enjoy the campus and the diverse student body! Go Rams and welcome!!!


t1_itvuy2l wrote

So I’m from a rural area outside Richmond and often visit as “outsider” 😂 I’ve partied there in college and didn’t have anything wild happen but don’t do anything stupid. I did lots of stupid and was still ok. Most violence is interpersonal. Richmond was like, the murder capital in the 90s apparently but seems to be on the up and up. This is all from someone who visited frequently but didn’t live there, if that helps with the worry of an non native.


t1_itvxfr6 wrote

Out of curiosity, are you going to be on the medical campus (nursing, physician training, etc) or the academic/Monroe Park campus (business, engineering, liberal arts)?

They're both in the city but about a mile apart and in very different parts of town. The Monroe Park campus is between a pretty historic neighborhood and downtown; it's very safe especially in the direction of the historic neighborhoods to the west and south. The Medical Campus is downtown near the state capital and city hall; it's busier since it has the hospital there and you have to be a little more careful going off the campus area.


t1_itx64k5 wrote

Understand that about 90% of this sub are cry baby complainers. They will bitch about anything and make a post. Stay out of bad areas and mind your business and you will be fine.


t1_itxwoko wrote

Gloucester is extremely racist don't go there I live there but still don't.


t1_ityhdwj wrote

Racism is mostly in the west end of Henrico. The east end of Henrico is the result of racism. Richmond is dangerous safe. You can walk alone at night, but still take general city safe precautions. Also if you're looking for friends to help feel safe and get accustomed, there are a lot of groups and clubs on campus to help out.


t1_iu6331m wrote

Richmond is #11 most murderous city, didn’t even crack the top 10


t1_itwbhm4 wrote

Hey, I'm British but I visit RVA a lot and I don't think I've ever felt unsafe there... As a white man.

The worst thing I've experienced is annoying religious people approaching me to discuss the Bible in fucking Five Below. Lol. Fuck off you loons.

I am however from South London, so I'm used to a busy, loud, chaotic and stereotypically "unsafe" area.

I generally find my American friends to be more on edge than I am and yes, racism is a blatant and of a very different flavour to elsewhere. It's hard to explain but where I'm from a cultural melting pot, it does feel like oil and water won't mix a lot of the time in Richmond.


t1_ityvdfa wrote

I've lived in many cities in Europe, Asia, and the US. Richmond is the most dangerous I've lived in with random shooting, muggings, vehicular break-ins, assaults, etc.. The folks saying 'It's just like any other city' really don't understand how bad it is here. The random crime (there 'is' a good deal of random crime) and feelings of danger is palpable and real. This may not be soothing to your anxiety, but I'm not going to bullshit you and give you a false sense of security.


t1_itwa0k5 wrote

Gilpin Court is nice, walking distance to everything


t1_itv54gr wrote

I’d consider commuting from Petersburg


t1_itv66cv wrote

Yes, let's discourage and give bad advice to international students. Good job.


t1_itv8cnp wrote

Yeah this fell more than tone deaf.

OP Petersburg is a long commute and one of the worst places to live from a safety perspective due to severely depressed economic area even before the pandemic. Just ignore this suggestion altogether