
genuinely_insincere t1_j24al27 wrote

I think they are saying not to force yourself to feel hopeful. When you could just be idly curious. And that, that is probably enough.

If you take advice out of context, it's not going to work. It's only supposed to apply to the problem at hand. You're also supposed to move toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Not purposely go in the wrong direction. You already know what's back there. Just more tunnel.


genuinely_insincere t1_j22x1mt wrote

nah. terrible advice. there are always people available to help others. but that doesn't mean youre supposed to just sit there and die while you wait for them


genuinely_insincere t1_j0fp6ch wrote

yes but also, sometimes all you need is a gestalt. let's not pretend that it's never helpful to hear "cheer up", as long as it's not said callously.

although i shouldn't imply you're saying all that. i just think that meme always fails to mention that sometimes it actually is that simple. sometimes problems have simple solutions, and then we feel stupid because the answer was right under our nose. and of course that makes us feel unwell again. and then we have to gestalt that feeling and forgive ourselves.