gimlets_and_kittens t1_iyarpyv wrote
Reply to Mortgage Lender Recommendations by Sivla-Alegna
I also cared a lot about this (bc how hard is it to address an email to my partner AND me!). I had a great experience with Rob Bassett. He was with a different company at the time, but he's here now:
I don't know if you're using any of the city or employer grant programs, but Rob was also super familiar with them (and they can be kind of tricky for how they fit into your overall financing/closing).
gimlets_and_kittens t1_iy9saho wrote
Reply to Clavel on a weeknight? by pussybulldozer_69
Put your name in & go to Fadensonen, Dutch Courage or WC Harlan for a drink. They specifically know people do this and will call/text you when your table is ready so you can head back.
gimlets_and_kittens t1_it5z0oj wrote
Reply to comment by Samthevalley in Baltimore can be a scary city. by [deleted]
I would file a report either way so that you have it on record. You can decide if you want to include his info or not in the police report. Then report it to your insurance, if you want to, right away. Or, if you think he's legit & will pay you, get an estimate for the repairs & ask for the money up front. Tell him if he doesn't, you'll need to file a police report so your insurance will pay the damages. You can decide if you want to include his info or not in your report to either the police or your insurance.
gimlets_and_kittens t1_it5xpa6 wrote
Reply to Baltimore can be a scary city. by [deleted]
Info: has he actually contacted you via text at all since you gave the number? You can file a report of the accident online if you need it for insurance.
gimlets_and_kittens t1_iyp288b wrote
Reply to comment by katastatik in What is your power ranking of coffee shops in Baltimore? by legally_bitch
I loved it for it's plentiful seating, solid wifi, and relatively low price. I hated it for it's coffee.