
glieseg t1_ixy8cqq wrote

See this is where it gets complicated. If we go by standard physics, if you repeat a test with the exact same parameters, you'll get the same result.

The issue is quantum mechanics, and it's been a while since I studied this, so I'm very rusty on this subject and will need someone else to fill in here. It was a complicated subject back then, even more so after 15 years of not studying it.


glieseg t1_ix75gzd wrote

Imagine you have a balloon. Paint some dots on it and blow some air in it. All the dots move away from each other because the balloon (the universe) is expanding, despite the dots not moving physically on the balloon.

The surface of the balloon itself is curved 2 dimensions, but the analogy works for the universe, too.


glieseg t1_ivz4o0z wrote

This precisely. It's the same argument about volcanoes. Yeah, they release a huge amount of CO^2 in a single eruption, but compared to the total emissions of cars, then volcanoes does nothing.