
godard31 t1_j69suzn wrote

There's a few ways to get a more accurate measurement, but going off of the scale on google maps I'd estimate the perimeter is around 1600 -1800 feet. There's 5280 feet in a mile. So 5280/1600 = 3.3 laps. or 5280/1800 = 2.9 laps. I'm reasonably confident walking 3 laps would get you close to a full mile.

Edit: Measured again, with slightly more accuracy (but still nothing super scientific) I think it is close to 1800 feet. Unless you are walking the inside sidewalk then it might be closer to 1700 feet. Either way, 3 laps


godard31 t1_j5tnicb wrote

I work outside a lot and i check the weather often. I started to record videos of this on my iPad. I have a collection of rain clouds just magically stopping right before my location. Or splitting apart and passing me by. It was seriously like there was a magic weather shield in the Pittsburgh area.